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The Story of Dr. John G. Paton's Thirty Years with South Sea Cannibals, revised by A.L. Langridge
James Paton [1824-1907], ed.

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1927. Hbk. pp.256.

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James Paton [1824-1907], ed., The Story of Dr. John G. Paton's Thirty Years with South Sea Cannibals, revised by A.L. Langridge


  1. Our Homes and Our Forbears
  2. Parents and School Days
  3. Leaving Home and Early Struggles
  4. In the Glasgow Slums
  5. Missionary to the Cannibals
  6. First Impressions of Heathendom
  7. Settlement and Sorrow of Tanna
  8. Superstitions and Cruelties
  9. The Visit of H.M.S. "Cordelia"
  10. Under Axe and Musket
  11. Cannibals at Work
  12. The Plague of Measles
  13. Deepening Shadows
  14. The Var Chiefs in Council
  15. THe Beginning of the End
  16. A Race for Life
  17. The Last Dread Night - But Saved!
  18. To Australia For a Mission Ship
  19. In Swamp and Saddle
  20. To Scotland and Back
  21. To the Islands and Fresh Difficulties
  22. Starting of Aniwa
  23. Revenge, Heathen Practices, and Hopeful Signs
  24. Nelwand's Elopement, and Incidents
  25. The Sinking of the Well
  26. First Book, New Eyes, and a New Church
  27. Chief Youwili Converted and the First Communion
  28. The Finger-Posts of God
  29. Death of Namakei and Other Chiefs
  30. Litsi Sore, Mungaw, Nasi and Lamu
  31. Round the World Again for a Ship
  32. Back to Australia and the Islands
  33. The Autobiography and a World Tour
  34. A New "Dayspring." Death of Kanaka Traffic
  35. Rev Frank Paton - Missionary to Tanna
  36. Wreck of the "Dayspring"
  37. Round the World Again - at 76
  38. Back to the Islands Again, and Yet Again
  39. The Passing of Mrs Paton
  40. The Home Call


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