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A Short Handbook of Missions
Eugene Stock [1836-1928]

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Book Description

A Short Handbook of Missions
Publication Year:
Longmans, Green, and Co.
Christian Mission, Introductions
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Eugene Stock [1836-1928], A Short Handbook of Missions


  • Prefatory Note
  1. What is a Mission?
  2. The Purpose of Missions
  3. The Motive of Missions
  4. The Need of Missions
  5. The Methods of Missions
  6. The Mission Agencies
  7. The Missionaries
  8. The Administration of Missions
  9. The Support of Missions
  10. Missions and Governments
  11. The World's Population: Races, Languages, Religions
  12. Non-Christian Religions and Christianity
  13. Objections and Criticisms
  14. Seventeen Centuries of the Christian Era
  15. The Eighteenth Century
  16. The Nineteenth Century—1801–1840
  17. The Nineteenth Century—1841–1872
  18. The Nineteenth Century—1872–1900
  19. General Progress since 1872
  20. Results of Protestant Missions
  21. Testimonies
  22. Some Notable Missionaries
  23. Some Prominent Native Christians
  24. Some Auxiliary Helpers of Missions
  25. Missions of the Greek and Roman Churches
  26. Mission to the Jews
  27. Fields to be Worked
  28. Obstacles to be Encountered
  29. Opportunities and Resources
  30. "In This Generation"?
  31. Edification of Converts
  32. Building the Visible Church
  33. Aid for the Daughter Churches
  34. "I Believe in the Holy Ghost"


  1. Some Books for Study
  2. Chronological Table
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