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The Life and Times of Selina Countess of Huntingdon, 2 Vols.

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Book Description

The Life and Times of Selina Countess of Huntingdon, 2 Vols.
Publication Year:
William Edward Painter
Christian Mission, Biography, Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon
Copyright Holder:
Public domain


  • Preface
  • Introduction - J.K. Foster
  1. Antiquity of tho Shirley Family. Saxon Origin. Norman Dignities. Royal Alliance. Foreign Crowns. British Coronets. The Clanricardes. Battle of Aghrim. The Parkers.. The Lord High Chancellor found guilty. The Levinges. Irish Alliances. Birth of Lady Selina. Her Early Character. First Religious Impressions. The Grave of Youth. Piety. Private Prayer. Fashionable Life. Marriage. The Huntingdon Family. Its Ancestry. The Earl of Huntingdon. His Character. "Tears of the Muses." Self-righteousness. The Methodists. Lady Margaret Hastings. The Light of Religious Truth. Force of Example. Conversion.
  2. Lord Huntingdon. The Bishop of Gloucester. Mr. Whitefields preaching. Its effects. Dr. Southey, Dr. Hurd. Archbishop Secker. First Methodist Society. Lady Anne Frankland. Lorrd Scarborough. Dr. Young, Lady Fanny Shirley. Mrs. Temple. Lady Mary Wortley Montague. LadyTownshend. Mr. Pope. Mr. Ingham. Mr. Charles Wesley. Miss. Robinson. Lord Lisburne. The House of Lords. Hammond the Poet. Somerville the Poet. Sarah Duchess of Marlborough. Anecdotes. Duchess of Buckingham. Anecdotes, Duchess of Queensbury. Lord Orford. Lady Hinchinbroke.
  3. Early Methodists. Lay Preaching. Mr. Bowers. Mr, Cennick. Itinerants. Ordination. Mr. Maxfield. Mr. Wesley's opinion of his call. Mr. Wesley's sanction. Bishop of Derry. Fetter-Lane Society. Conduct of the Bishops. Opposition without. Bickerings. Shaw. The Moravians. Separation in Fetter·lane. First Division. The Society in Moorfields. Enthusiasm. Pluralities. Bishop Burnet. Mrs.Mitchell. Anecdote. Mr. Charles Wesley and the Moravians. David Taylor. General Baptists. Mr. Dennett. Grace Murray. John Nelson.
  4. The Clergy. Mr. Simpson. Mr. Wesley's Opinion of him. The One Wrong Principle. Mr. Graves. His Recantation. His Explanatory Declaration. Lady Huntingdon's Schools. Lord Huntingdon's Character. Miss Cooper: her Death. Letters. The Poor. Death of Mr. Jones. The poor Penitent's Death-bed. Mr. Wesley's preaching on his Father's Tomb. Donnington Park. Lady Abney. Dr. Watts. "The Grnve." Dr. Blair. Letters. Colonel Gardiner. His Marvellous Conversion. Letters.
  5. Lay-Preachers. Mr. Wesley's Defence of thorn. Converted Clergy. Death of Lady Huntingdon's Sons, George and Ferdinando Hastings. First Methodist Conference. Dr. Doddridge. Letters from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Jones. The Pretender. Lord Carteret George II. Death of Colonel Gardiner. Letters to Mr. Wesley, Dr. Doddridge, and Charles Wesley.
  6. Death of the Earl of Huntingdon. His Lordship's Epitaph. Letters from Sir John Thorold, Lady Huntingdon's Piety. Letter to Dr. Doddrldge. Lady Kilmorey. Duchess of Somerset. Welsh Preachers. Lady Frances Hastings. Mrs. Edwin. Lady Huntingdon's adherence to thu Church of England. Letter from Dr. Watts to Dr. Doddridge.
  7. Mr. Whitefield arrives in England. Preaches at Lady Huntlngdon's. Letter's. Lord Chesterfield. Lord Bolingbroke. Anecdotes of Mr. Whitefleld's Preaching. Appointed Chaplain to Lady Huntingdon. Chnstian Soldiers. Bishop of Exeter. Colonol Gumley. Mrs. Edwin. Lord St. John. Lady Suffolk. The Court Beauties. Lord Chesterfield. Marquis of Lothian. Lady Mary Hamilton. Anecdotes. Lady Townsend. English Nobility at Lady Huntingdon's. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn. Persecution of the Welsh Methodists. Liberal Conduct of the Government. Marmadukc Gwynne, Esq.
  8. Dr. Gibbons. Dr. Gill. Mr. Daracott. The Young Lord Huntingdon. Lord Chesterfield. The Jews. German Minister. An Impostor. David Levi. Lady Fanny Shirley. Mr. Whitefield and Mr. Wesley. Ashby-place. Mr. Baddeley. Lady Huntingdon's Illness. Lady Anne Hastings. Mr. Hervey. Bishop of Exeter. Mr. Thompson. Duke of Somerset. Mr. Moses Bruce. Bishop Lavington.
  9. Mr. Romaine. Earthquake in London. Mr. Romaine appointed Chaplain to Lady Huntingdon. Ashby-plaoe. Dr. Stonhouse. Dr Akenside. New Jersey College. Governor Belcher. President Burr. Dissenting Ministers. Dr. Doddridge. Education of Ministers. Mrs. Hester Gibbon. Mr. Law. Mr. Whitefield's success at Rotherham. Lord Lyttleton. Mr. Hervey. Dr. Doddridge.
  10. Mr. Whitefield at Ashby. Mr. Moaes Browne. Mr. Martin Madan. Lady Frances Hastings. Dr. Stonhouse. Mr. Bartley. Death of the Prince of Wales. Anecdote. Lady Charlotte Edwin. Dr. Ayscough. Lord Lyttleton. Death of Lord Bolingbroke. Dr. Trapp. Dr. Church. Anecdotes.
  11. Mr. Whitefield visits Scotland. Dr. Erskine and Dr. Robertson. Scotch Nobility. Mr. and Lady Jane Nimmo. Letter to Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Wardrobe. Hr. Hervey: his "Theron and Aspasio." Letters to Lady Huntingdon. Lady Fanny Shirley. Prince and Princess of Wales. Mr. Hervey's Method of Preaching. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Steward. Lady Hastings.
  12. History of Mr. Whitefields Tabernacle and Tottenham Court Chapel. Whitefield in London. Mr. Broughton. Countess of Hertford. Fetter-lane. Mr. Connick. Methodist Society. Tabernacle commenced. Welsh Preachers. Moorfields. Lay•Preachers. Nobility at the Tabernacle. Opposition of the Dissenters. Anecdotes of Dr. Watts. Lady Huntingdon and the Moravians. Sir Thomas and Lady Abney. Tabernacle opened. Long-acre Chapel. Hon. Hume Campbell. Tottenham court Chapel opened. Mr. Edward Shuter. Foote the Player. The Minor. Lord Halifax. Duke of Grafton. Mr. Fox. Mr. Pitt. Mr. Rowland Hill. Captain Joss. Mr. Matthew Wilks. Mr. Knight. Mr. Hyatt. Mr. Whitetield's Will.
  13. Mr. Venn begins to attract notice. Revival of :«eligion in the Established Church and among the Methodists. By whom first commenced. Mr. Venn's acquaintance with Mr. Broughton, one of the Original Methodists Dr. Haweis. Mr. Law. Illness of Mr. Venn. Accompanies Mr. Whitefield to Bristol. Remains with Lady Hwitingdon at Clifton. Letter from Mr. Whitefield. Letter to Mr. Venn from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Whitefield's Letter to .Mr. Venn. Oxford Students. Dr. Haweis. Mr. Whitefield's Letter to Dr. Haweis. Convicts. Preaching to the Nobility at Lady Huntingdon's. Handel, Giardini. Musical Composers.
  14. Lady Huntingdon and Mr. Fletcher. Introduction to Lady Huntingdon by Mr. Wesley. Bishop of London. Letter to Mr. Charles Wesley. Mr. Fletcher preaches and celebrates the co~union at Lady Huntingdon's. Letter to Mr. C. Wesley. Letter to Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Fletcher appointed Vicar of Madely. Writes to Lady Huntingdon and Mr. Charles Wesley. Visits Mr. Berridge. Letter to Lady Huntingdon. Induction to Madeley. Success pf his ministry. Letter to Lady Huntingdon.
  15. Rise of Methodism in Yorkshire. Mr. Ingham. Count Zinzendorff. Mr. Dolamotte. Mr. Okoluy. Mr. Rogers. Letter from Mr. Whitefield. The United Brethren. Mr. Batty, Lady Hetty Hastings. Ledstone-Hall. Mr. Ingham's marriage with Lady Margaret Hastings. Count Zlnzendorff visits Yorkshire. Moravian settlement at Fulneck. John Nelson. Mr. Whitefield's Letter to Mr. Ingham. Mr. Grimshaw. Lord and Lady Huntingdon visit Lcdstone-Hall. Mr. Charles Wesley. Mr. Graves encourages. John Nelson. Persecution. Provincial Magistrates. John Nelson taken to Prison. Liberated by the influence of Lady Huntingdon. Lord Sunderland. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to Mr. Ingram. The Vicar of Colne, Mr, Grimshaw's opinions. Moravian Nobles. John Cennick. Mr. Ingham leaves the Moravians. John Allen.
  16. Mr. Whitefield returns to England. Writes to Mr. Ingham. Visits Yorkshire. Lady Huntingdon in Yorkshire. Extraordinary Occurrence. Mr. Graves. Mr. Milner. Mr. Grimshawe. Conference at Leeds. Mr. Ingham is chosen General Overseer. Mr. Charles Wesley. Mr. Whitefield at Haworth. Inghamite Churches. Church Discipline. Inghamito Preachers. Mr. Newton visits Yorkshire. His letter to Mr. Wesley. Anecdote of his Preaching at Leeds. Mr. Romaine's opinion of the Inghamite Churches. Lady Huntingdon at Aberford. Mr. Romaine preaches in Mr. Ingham's Chapels. Mr. George Burder. Mr. Romaine at Haworth. Mr. Grimshaw. Sandeman's Letters. Church Government.
  17. Mr. Venn removed to Huddersfield. Mr. Burnett. Lord Dartmouth. Dr. Conyers. Visitation Sermon. Mr. Thornton. Lady Huntingdon visits Yorkshire. Mr. Romaine. Mr. Wesley. Mr. Madan. Letters from Dr. Conyers to Lady Huntingdon. Letter from Mr, Venn. Mr. Titus Knight. Letter from Mr. Grimshaw. Death of Mr. Grimshaw. Letter from Mr. Venn. Letter from Dr. Conyers. Letter from Mr. Fletcher. Lady Huntingdon. with Messrs. Townsend and Fletcher, visit Huddersfield. Illness of Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Whitefield in Yorkshire. William Shent. Mr. Venn's Irregularities. Mrs. Hannah More. Defence of Mr. Venn. Letter from Mr Fletcher. Mrs Deane. Lady Irvine. Mr. Occum, the Indian Preacher. Captain Scott. The London Shunamite. Mr. Wilson.
  18. Melancholy state of Mr. Ingham. Lady Huntingdon and Mr. Venn. Illness and death of Lady Margaret Ingham. Letter from Mr. Ingham. Letter from Mr. Romaine. Mr. Ingham's Treatise on the Faith and Hope of the Gospel. Mr. Riddell. Lady Huntingdon sends Students to Yorkshire. Letter from Mr. Riddell. Mr. Joseph Milner of Hull attends Lady Huntingdon's Preachers. Begins to preach the Gospel. Mr. Tyler. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to Mr. Romaine, Mr. Tyler's labours at Hull. Ietter from Lady Huntingdon to Mr. Milner. York. Mr. Wren. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Letter from Mr. Wren. Mr. Glascott. Mr. Wells. Mr. Powley. Lady Huntingdon's Chapel at York
  19. Death of the Hon. Henry Ha.stings. Lady Huntingdon's exertions at Brighton. Joseph Wall. Mr. Whitefield"s first visit to Brighton. Lady Huntingdon sells her Jewels. The Chapel opened by Mr. Madan. Mr. Romaine. Oathall. Captain Scott. Anecdote. Old Abraham. Letters from Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Romaine. Christian Perfection. Mr. Maxfield and Mr. Bell. Letter from Mr. Romaine. Mr. Madan. Letters from Messrs Berridge. Romaine, and Venn. Mr. Jones (of St. Saviour's).
  20. Dr. Haweis. Mr. Romaine driven from the Chapel of the Broadway. Lord Dartmouth. Letters from Messrs. Romaine aucl Conyers. Sinless Perfection. Letters from Messrs. Romaine and Wesley. Erasmus, Bishop of Areadia,, Mr. Toplady. Letters from Messrs. Fletcher and Berridge. Death of Lady Selina. Hastings. Colonel Hastings. Account of Lady Selina's death, Letters from Lord Dartmouth. Mr. Venn. Mr. Fletcher. Mr. Berridge, Oathall Chapel. Letters from Mr. Berridge. Mr. Venn's Complete Duty of Man. Letters from Messrs Venn and Berridge
  21. Mr. Romaine. Lectureship at St. Dunstan's. Lord Mansfield. Darkness visible. The Bishop of Peterborough. Popular election. St. Ann's, Blackfriars. Probation Sermon. Contest. Canvassing. Scrutiny. Second Election. Suit in Chancery. Gratitude of Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Jesse. Mr. Shirley. Mr. Romaine's views of his preferment. Lewes. Lady Huntingdon procures an opening for Mr. Romaine, for Mr. Madan, and Mr. Fletcher, The Oratorio. Musical taste of Mr. Madan and Dr. Haweis. Lady Huntingdon's Chapel at Lewes opened and re-opencd. Mr. Masan. His work on tho Catechism. Mr. Edwards of Ipswich. Mr. Berridge and the Bees. Southey's Reflections. Their Refutation. Character of Berridge. His wit. His labours. Berridge and the Bishop.
  22. Mr.and Mrs. Powys. Letters. Mr. Whitefield. Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Venn. Sir C. Hotham. Howel Harris. Chapel at Brighton re-opened. Letters. Mr. Romaine. Mr. Talbot. Mr. Berridge. Anecdote of the Countess. Mr. De Courey. Mr. Vincent Perronet. Mr. Toplady. Mr. Bliss. Mr. Pentycross. Chapel at Chichester opened. Chapels at Petworth, at Guildford, and Basingstoke. Enlargement of that·at Brighton. Mr. Thomas Jones.
  23. Public Fast. Extracts from Lady Huntingdon's Letters. Prayer-meetings for the Nation, Mr. Venn. Mr. Berridge. Singular effects of his preaching. Mr. Romaine and Mr. Madan's visit to Everton. Mr. Wesley preaches at Everton. Convulsive motions amongst the Congregation. Letters to Lady Huntingdon. Lady Huntingdon visits Mr. Berridge. Mr. Venn and Mr. Fletcher preach at Everton. Loud cries amongst their hearers. Duke of York. Dr. Dodd. Murder of Mr. Johnson. Lord Ferrers. Tried by hls Peers. Visited in Prison by Lady Huntingdon. Singular Conduct of Lord Ferrers, Execution.
  24. Proposed Union among the Evangelical Clergy. Methodlsm in Scotland. Lady Frances Gardiner. Mr. Townsend sent to Edinburgh. Mr. De Courey. Lady Glenorchy. Mr. Wesley. Lady Maxwell. Samson Occum, the Indian Preacher. Mohegan Indians. Dr. Haweis. Affair of Aldwincle. Lady Huntingdon purchases the Advowson: writes to Mr, Thornton. Lady Huntingdon's Letters to Lord Dartmouth and Mr. Madan. Anecdote.
  25. Progress of Piety at Cambridge. Rowland Bill. Oxford. St. Edmwad's Hall. The Six Students.. Expulsion. Sir. Richard Hill. Dr. Horne, Bishop of Norwich. Mr, Goodwyn. Charges against Lady Huntingdon. Account of the Students, and the proceedings against them. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Lady Buchan. Letter from Mr. Wesley. Cheltenham. Lord Dartmouth. Letter from Mr. Venn. Mr. Wells. Mr. Trinder. Mr. Whitefield to Mr. Madan. Mr. Madan to Mr. Wesley. Lady Huntingdon to Mr. Alderman Harris. Gloucestershire Association. Lady Huntingdon to Mr. Brewer. Chapels at Gloucester, Worcester, and Cheltenham. Lady Huntingdon's Letter concerning them.
  26. Chapel at Bath. Pope the Poet. Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester. Lady Fanny Shirley. Charles Wesley. John Wesley. Beau Nash. Anecdole. Mr. Hervey. Methodist Conference. Mr. Lanrnod. Potter. Archbishop of Canterbury. Dr. Doddridge Hon. Mrs. Scawen. Mr. Cruttenden. Mr. Neal. Dr. Doddridge visits Bristol. Visits Lady Huntingdon at Bath. Anecdote. Dr. Oliver. Dr. Hartley. Prior Park. Death of Dr. Doddridge. Mr. Grinfield. The Moravians. Count Zinzendorff. Elizabeth King. Lady Gertrude Botham, Death of Miss Botham. Marriage of Sir Charles Botham. Death of his Lady. His own Decease. Death of hls Mother. Lady Gertrude, Mr. Theophilus Lindsay. Mrs. Brewer. Lord Huntingdon and Mr. Grimshaw. Lord Chesterfield and Mr. Stanhope. Countess of Moira, Mrs. Carteret and Mr. Cavendish. Countess Delitz. Lady Chesterfield. Earl of Bath. Lord Cork. Anecdote of George II.
  27. Chapter at Bath. Bretby Ball. Mr. Townsend and Mr. Jesse. Mr. Romaine. Mr. Shrapnell. Mrs. Wordsworth. Letters from Mr. Romaine. Chapel opened at Bath. Mr. Whitefield and Mr, Townsend. Mr. Fletcher's labours at Bath. Lord and Lady G!enorchy. Letter from Lady Glenoreby to Lady Huntingdon. Death of Lord and Lady Sutherland. Lady Huntingdon, the Wesleys, and Mr. Whitefield. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to Mr, Wesley. Horace Walpole. Lady Betty Cobbe. Nobility attend Lady Huntingdon's Chapel. Letter from Mr. Whltefield to Mr. Powys. Mr. Stillingfleet. Mr. Fenn and Sir Charles Botham. Anecdotes of Mr. Venn. Mr. Andrews and the Bishop of Gloucester. Mr Venn. at Trevecea. Mr. Lee. Captain Scott and Mr. Venn, Anecdotes of Captain Scott. Letter fron, Mr. Venn. Mr. Howel Davies. Anecdote, Dr. Haweis, Mr, Cradock Glascott's Letter from Mr. Fletcher.
  28. Mr Howell Harris. Success of Mr. Venn's preaching. Mr. Furley. Miss Girleon. Meeting of the awakened Clergy at Lady Huntingdon's. Death of Mrs. Venn. Mrs. Medhurst. Letter from Mr. Venn. Sir Rowland Hill's family. Mr. Rowland Hill and Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Brown. Mr. Joseph Williams. Illness of Lady Huntingdon. Lord Dartmouth. Letter from Mr. Talbot. Letter from Mr. Whitefield to Mr. Shirley. Earl of Buchan and Family. Mr. Ireland and Mr. Fletcher. Letter from Mr. Fletcher to Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Powley. Letters from Mr. Berridge. Lady Huntingdon's support under affliction. Mr. Powley preaches at Bath. Letter from Lady Huntingdon.
  29. Death of the Hon. John Shirley and Lady Stewarta. Letter from Mr. Venn. Mr. Ryland. Booth's "Reign of Grace." Letter from Mr, Venn. Mr. Whitefield to Mr. Shirley. Mr. Whitefield's last visit to Bath. His labours in Lady Huntingdon. Chapel. Letters from Mr. Venn. Lord and Lady Dartmouth, George the Third and Dr. Beattie. Baron Smythe. Lady Smythe. Mr. Moses Browne. Mr. Newton. Mr. Venn's preaching tours. Worcester. Mr. and Mrs. Stillingfleet, Shropshire. Mr. Henshaw and Mr. Hawksworth. Mr. Townsend, Mr. Jesse. Letter from Mr. Venn. Lady Lowther. Mr. Venn's sermon on the death of Mr. Whitefield. Mr. Venn's liberality.
  30. Lady Betty Germaine, Lord Chancellor Thurlow. Mr. Rowland Hill. Letters from Mr Berridge. Mr. Roquet. Mr. Wills. Anecdote of Lavington, Bishop of Exeter. David Erskine. lllness of Lady Fanny Shirley, Letter from Mr. Venn. Marriage of Mr. Wills. Mr. Pentycross. Letter from Mr. Pentyeross. Chapel at Wallingford. Mr. Toplady. Letter from Mr. Toplady. Mr. Romaine's Essay on Psalmody, Lady Glenorchy. Mr. Holmes. Captain Scott. Mr. Fletcher. Mr. Venn's visit to Bath. Lady Henrietta Hope. Letter from Lady Glenorchy to Lady Huntingdon. Argyle Chapel, Bath. Dr. Shepherd. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to Mrs. Pentycross.
  31. History of the College at Trevecca. Mr. Fletcher appointed President. Letters from Mr Fletcher. Mr. Glazebrook the first Student, Mr. Easterbrook. Account of Mr. Glazebrook. Letters from Lady Huntingdon to Mr. Glazebrook and Dr. Kirkland. Lady Moira. Letters from Mr. Berridge. Interesting circumstances. Mr. John Jones. First Anniversncy of the College. Letter from Lady Huntingdon.
  32. Mr. Joseph Benson appointed Head Master at Trevecca. Mr. Fletcher's conduct at the College. His pastoral letters to the Students. Mr. Benson's dismissal. Lady Huntingdon's certifcate. Second Anniversary of the College. Mr. Shirley and Mr. Venn. Mr. Thornton's gift to the College. Lady Glenorchy's generosity. Letter from Lady Glenorchy. Letter from Lndy Huntingdon. Third Anniversary of the College. Students educated at Trevccca. Lady Huntingdon visits Swansea. History of her Chapel there. Mr. Edmund Jones. Mr. David Jones (of Langan). Letter to Lady Huntingdon. Anniversary services of 1774 and 1776. Letter from Mr. Toplady. A remarkable incident.
  33. History of the Chapel at Tunbridge Wells. Mr. Venn and Mr. Madan preaching in the open air. Extracts from Lady Huntingdon's letters. Mr. Whitefield visits Tunbridge Wells. Mr. Shipman and Mr. Matthews preach there. Illness of Lady Huntingdon. Illness of Mr. Whitefield. Mr. Venn. Mr. Newton. Mr. Thornton. Preaching at Lady Huntingdon's. A condemned criminal. Opening of the Chapel by Mr. Whitefield and Mr. De Courcy. Mrs. Althens. Chapel at Margate. Mr. Aldridge. Mr. Cooke. Mrs. Horsley. Chapels at Dover, Folkstone and Deal. Dr. Carter. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter and Miss Talbot. Lady Huntingdon's obscnntions on Mrs. Carter's opinions. Charles and Edward Perronnet. Chapel at Canterbury. Mr. Aldridge. Dr. Povah. Mr. Maddock: his death. The Unwin family and Cowper the Poet. Mrs. Major Cowper. Mr. Unwin preaches at Lady Huntingdon's Chapel. Mr. David Simpson. Mr. Taylor.
  34. Lady Huntingdon's Connexion in lreland. Mr. Whitefield the first who visited Ireland. Dr. Delany. Bishop of Limerick. Mr. Thomas Williams. Perscecution of the Methodists. Mr. Charles Wesley. Speaker of the House of Commons. Dr. Gifford. Mr. Whitefield. Mr. Lunell. Mr. Whitefield's second visit to Ireland. Methodist Society. Mr. John Edwards. Mr. Whitefield's third visit to Ireland: near being murdered. Mr. C. Wesley ceases to itinerate. Success of Mr. Shirley and Mr. Piers. Lord and Lady Clanricardo. Mr. De Courcy. Letter to Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Townsend. Mr. Venn. Mr. Newton: his first attempts at preaching. Irregulars and Itinerants.
  35. Mr. Townsend's visit to Dublin. Lady Saxton. Mr. Alderman Townsend. Lord Shelburne. Mr. Phillips. Mrs. Paul. Mrs. Kiernan. Temporary Chapel. Lady Huntingdon sends Ministers to Ireland, Mr. Mead. Mr. Hawkesworth. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Pentycress. Mr. Rowland Hill. Meeting in Wales. Independent Churches. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Lloyd. Plunket-street Chapel opened. Opposition. Letter from Mrs Paul. Several of the Nobility go to Lady Huntingdon's Chapa!. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Hawkesworth visits Waterford. Mrs. Bennis. Methodist Preachers. Mr. Hawkesworth solicits ordination. Lady Huntingdon's Letter on that subject.
  36. Mr. Eccles returns from Georgia. Letter from Mrs. Paul. Lady Huntingdon's Relations. Bishop of Raphoe, Anecdote of Mr. Skelton. Letters from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Hawkesworth ordained. Mr. Adams. Mr. Kinsman. Letters to Mr. Hawkesworth. Mr. Mollar. Mr. Davies. Mr. Winkworth. Colonel Despard. Mr. White: illness and death. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Opposition to Mr. Shirley. Remarkable Letters from Mr. Shirley to his Bishop. Anecdote of the Archbishop of Armagh. Mr. Hawkesworth visits Cork and Waterford. Mr. Osborn. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Wesley's Ministers. Magdalen Chapel. Mr. Shirley's Sermons give great offence. Letter from Mrs. Paul. The Denn of Cashel. Mr. Thompson. Mr. Coughlan. Several of the Bishops and Clergy attend Mr. Shirley's preaching. Letters from Mrs Paul. Letters from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Hawkesworth joins the Moravians.
  37. Mr. Edward Smyth. Mr. William Smyth. Remarkable Conversion of Mrs. Smyth. Romaine and Garrick, Persecution of Mr. Smyth. Mr. Smyth's family. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Lady Mary Fitzgerard. Dr. Peckwell visits Dublin. Letter from Dr. Feckwell. Magdalen Chapel. Lady Moira and Lady Arabella Denny. Letter from Lady Moira. Mr. Skelton. Mr. Stephens. Death of Dr. Peckwell. Account of his family. Mr. Shirley supplied Lady Huntingdon's Chapel. Death of Mr. Shirley. Hymns written by him. Mr. Boddeley. Bethsaida Chapel. Mr. Timothy Priestly. Anecdote of Miss Ford. Sir William Hamilton. Mr. Wesley visits Dublin. Evangelical Society. Mr. Rowland Hill and other Ministers visit Ireland. Mr. Wildbore. Mr. Ball. Mr. Garie. Chapel at Sligo. Persecution. Dr. Povah.
  38. Mr. Edward Smyth and Mr. Mann. Mr. Walker. Mr. Maturin. Mr. Kelly. Hon. Walter Shirley. Miss Maturin. Letter from Mr. Walker. Mr. Matthias. Dr. Thorpe. Anecdote of the Stewart family. Mr. Horne. Mr. Pierce visits Ireland. Mr Rowland Hill's visit to Ireland. Miss Johnson. Mr. Alderman Hutton opens his House for Preaching. General Evangelical Society. Mr. Cooper invited to Ireland. Mr. Show. Mr. Roo. United Brethren. Prosecutions. New Chapel in Dublin. Reflections on Lady Huntingdon's Labours to spread the Light of Divine Truth.
  39. Conference of 1770. Mr. Wesley's Minutes of Conference. Protest agninst them by Lady Huntingdon and Mr. Shirley. Conference of 1771. Mr. Wesley's Declaration—Considercd a Recantation. Mr. Fletcher's Vindication, Mr. Shirley's Narrative. Controversy.
  40. American Affairs. Rev. Cornelius Winter: Refused Ordination of the Orphnn House. Rev. John Zubley. Governor Wright. Bishop of London. Letters from the Hon. Mr. Habersham. Mr. Whitefield's Will. Great Meeting in Wales. Mission to America. Circular Notice from Lady Huntingdon. Letter to the Hon. James Habersham from Lady Huntingdon. Letter to Mr. Wright and Mr. Crane. Services at Trevecca. Designation of the Missionaries in London. Mr. Piercy preaches on Tower-hill. Rev. Charles Stuart Eccles. Arrival of the Missionaries at tho Orphan House.
  41. Destruction of the Orphan House by Fire. Observations of M. Berridge. Slave Trade. Remarks on Mr. Whitefield and Lady Huntingdon. Slave Trade at the Orphan House, Lady Huntingdon purchases Slaves. Anthony Benezet, Writes to Lady Huntingdon on the Slave Trade. Death and Funeral of Anthony Benezet. American War. Mr. Piercy. Mr. Keene and Lady Huntingdon. Colonel Tattersall. Lord George Germain. Sir James Wright. Hon. Henry Laurens committed to the Tower. Mr. Channing. Mr. Laurens retums to America. Rev. John Johnson. Orphan House seized by the Georgians. General Washlngton. Sir James Jay. Dr. Franklin.
  42. Students from Trevecca visit Dorsetshire, Derbyshire, Devonshire, Somersetshire, &c. Success of their Lobours. Mr. Lake. Mr. Romaine. Mr. Benson. Archbishop of Canterbury. Lady Huntingdon'e Interview with George the Third. Anecdotes of the King. Lady Huntingdon's Chaplains. His Majesty's Letter to the Archbishop. The King's opinion of Lady Huntingdon. Duchess of Ancester. Anecdote of a Lady of Quality and the King. His Majesty's Advice. Feathers' Tavern Association. Letter to Lady Huntingdon from Edmund Burke, Esq. Rejection of the Petition. Observations on Subscription to Articles of Belief. Dissenters' Bill, Lord Chatham and Archbishop of York. Mr. Theophilus Lindsey. Death of Howel Harris. Letters from Lady Huntingdon. Letters from Mr. Toplady, Mr. Headsman. Letter from Lady Huntingdon on his Ordination.
  43. Chapels of Lady Huntingdon in London. Ewer-street Chapel, Princess-street, Westmlnster. Opened by Dr. Peckwell. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. English. Mr. Beck. Mulberry Gardens Chapel. Mr. Charles Stewart Eccles. Mr. Coughlan. Mr. John Clayton. Mr. George Burder. Letter from Mr. Toplady. New Mulberry Gardens Chapel. Mr. Isaac Nicholson. Mr. Stoddart. Spafields Chapel. Richmond Theatre. Letter from Mr. Toplady. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Northampton Chapel opened. Opposition of Mr. Bellon. Consistoral Court. Mr. Berridges advice. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Lord Dartmouth. Mr. Thornton. Spafields Chapel re-opened by Dr. Haweis. Queries sent to Mr. Serjeant Glynn. Lettor from the Recorder of London to Lady Huntingdon.
  44. Ecclesiastical Courts. Letters from Lady Huntingdon. Secession of Mr. Wills and Mr. Taylor. Mr. Romaine's advice to Dr. Haweis. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Rowland Hill. Lady IIuntingdon's difference with Mr. Hill. Welsh Association. Letters to Lady Huntingdon. Letter from her Ladyship. Surrey Chapel. Lady Iluntingdon's liberality. Mr. Piercy. Mr. Venn. Sir Richard Hill. Mr. Scott. Sion Chapel. Letter to the Committee of Spafields Chapel. Remarkable Conversions, Missionary Ordination.
  45. History of the Tabernacle at Norwich. Mr. Wheatley excluded tho Methodist Connexion. Visits Norwich. Violent Persecution. Mr. Whitefield visits Norwich. Remarkable Conversion. Lady Huntingdon's attention attracted to Norwich. The Wesleys. Mr. Charles Wesley. Mrs. Colonel Galatin. The Tabernacle opened by Mr. Whitefield. Colonel Galatin. Mr. Cudworth. Mr. Robert Robinson. Letters to Mr. Whitefield. Remarks on Mr. Robinson's character. Eccentricity. Mr. Madan. Letter to him from Mr. Whitefield.
  46. Mr. Wesley takes a. lease of the Tabernacle at Norwich. Dissatisfied with the Tabernacle Society. Tabernacle sold to Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Shirley, Mr. Glascott, and Mr. Bowman. Lady Huntingdon, Lady Anne Erskine, and Mr. Toplady visit Norwich. Remarkable Sermon by Mr. Toplady. Mr. Mark Wilks. His appointment to the Tabernacle. Mr. Wesley and Mr. Fletcher visit Norwich. Yarmouth. Mr. Shirley. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Mr. Crole nnd Mr. Clayton sent to Norwich. Converslon of Mr. Johnson, Letters from Lndy Huntingdon to the Committee of the Tabernacle.
  47. History of the Tabernacle at Bristol. Mr. Whitefield's family. The First Methodist Society at Bristol. Success of his preaching. Opposition of tho Clergy. Newgate. Mr. Dagge. Field-preaching. Kingswood. St. George's Church. Mr. Hart. Kingswood School. Mr. Wesley at Bristol. Mistake about Kingswood School. Founded by Mr. Whitefield. Mr. Maxfield. First Methodist Preaching House. Mr. Charles Wesley. Lady Huntingdon contributes to the School at Kingswood. Division between Whitefield and Wesley. Mr. Cennick. Imprisonment of Savage the Poet. Lady Macclesfield's cruelty. Letter to Lally Huntingdon from Lady Macclesfield. Presentation at Hampton. Preachers at the Tablernacle. M. Reily. Mr. Godwin.
  48. Mr. Daniel Rowlands. Mr. Howol Davies. Effects of their preachlng at Bristol. Mr. Whitefield visits Bristol. Letter to Lady Huntingdon. Letter to the Countess Delitz. Portmouth Tabernacle. Lady Huntingdon visits Bristol. Mr. Whitefield in Bristol. Lady Huntingdon's Benevolence to the Prisoners. Commencement of the Tabernacle. Letters from Lord Chesterfield and Lord Bath, Mr. Charles Wesley. Opening of the Tabernacle. Mrs. Grenfield. lllness of Mr. Wesley. Mrs. Charles Wesley's Illness. Lady Huntingdon attends her. Mr. Whitefield's Letter to Mr. Charles Wesley. Mr. Croom. Mr. Cornelius Winter. Mr. Hogg. Mr. Shipman. Letter to Mr. Winter. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to Mr. Shipman. Mr.Shipman's Denth. Lord Barham. Lady Huntingdon's Clapel opened. Mr. Owen. Letters to Mr. Evans. New Chapel opened.
  49. Lady Huntingdon's Chapel at Reading. Mr. Talbot. Letter from Mr. Venn. Mr. Hallward. Death of Mr. Talbot. Mr. Cadogan. Mrs. Talbot. Sir Richard Hill. Mr. Hallward and Lady Huntingdon. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to Mr. Hallward. Mr. Cadogan's preaching. Lady Huntingdon's Chapel opened. Mr. Piercy. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to the Managers. Mr. Gurdon. Mr. Cadogan's Convcrsion. Lady Huntingdon's Letter to Mr. Cadogan. Mr. Hallward. Death of Mr. Cadogan. Chapel opened by Mr. Rowland Hill and Mr. Eyre. Mr. Sherman.
  50. Chapel at Kiddenninster. Mr. Fawcett. Mr. Wills preaches at Kidderminster. Mr. Best. Letter to Mr. Hawkesworth. Lady Huntingdon in Cornwall, Mr. Parish. Chapel at Truro. Dr. Haweis. Effects of Mr. Wills's preaching. Lady Huntingdon's Chapels in Cornwall. St. Ives. Mcvagisscy. Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Sir Harry Trelawney. West Looe. Lady Huntingdon's opinion of Sir Harry Trelawney: his apostasy. Mr. Wills preaches at Looe. Difference with Mr. Whitefield's Trustees. Letter from Mr. Berridge. Dr. Dodd. Mr. Romaine's opinion of him. Lady Huntingdon's Letter to Dr. Dodd. Letter from Mr. Browne of Haddington.
  51. Labours of the Students. Extracts from Lady Huntingdon's Letters. Itinerant Preaching. Circular Letter from Lady Huntingdon. Letter to the Committee of Mulberry Gardens. Journal of Messrs. Wills, Glascott, Taylor, and Piercy, Sucsess of their Labours. Out-of- door Preaching. Secession. Observations on Toleration. Letter to the Bishops. Dr. Lowth. First Ordination at Spafields Chapel. Particulars of the Ceremony. Articles of Belief.
  52. Hospital of Etwall and School of Repton. Lady Huntingdon interested about those Institutions. Rev. Mr. Cotton. Lady Gerard. Correspondence of Lady Huntingdon with the Guardians. Letters from Lord Chesterfield and Lord Huntingdon, Letter to Mr. Cotton from Lady Huntingdon. Queries relative to the Charity. Rev. Cradook Glascott presented to the Living of Hatton. Mr. Ireland. Letters from Lady Huntingdon to Mr, Glascott. His Illness and Death.
  53. Mr. Madan'a "Thelypthora" Chapel at Bootle. Anecdote of Mr, Romaine, Mr. Whitridge. Mr. Daniel Gibbons. Mr. Daniel Gray. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to the Trustees of the Chapel at Kendal. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to Mr. Gray Mrs. Paul. Chapel at Hereford. Correspondence relative to it with Mrs. Paul and others. Chapels at Whitehaven, Weymouth, Sheffield, Newark. Correspondence relatlng to them. Letter to the Congregation at Derkbamstead. Letters to Mr. Ellis, and Mr. Blake. Chapel at Birmingharn. Mr. Bradford. Lord Douglas. Lady Huntingdon invited to Brussels—Escapes assnassination. Death of Lord Douglas. Letter from Lady Huntingdon relative to Brussels—her Difference with Mr. Mills. Preface to a Volume of Sermons.
  54. Increase of the Connexion. Association for Perpetuating the Connexion. Plan or the Association Letter to the Congregation at Bath. Welsh Calvinistic Methodists. Failure of the Plan. Opposed by Dr. Haweis and Lady Anne Ersklne. Lady Huntingclon's Connexion. Observations on Bequests. Extracts from Lady Huntingdon's Will. Devisees of Lady Huntingdon—her control over the Connexion. Rules for Lady Huntingdon's Societies. Property bequeathed to Lady Huntingdon's Connexion. Letter to Mr. Priestly. Death of Lady Huntingdon—her last words. Letters from Dr. Lettsom to Lady Anne Erskine. Funeral Sermon. Character of Lady Huntingdon, Last Interview with Mr. Priestly.
  55. Cheshunt College. Mr, Nicholson. Opening of the College. Services on the occnsion, Appeal to those educated at Cheshunt. Letter from Dr. Haweis. Letter from Lady Huntingdon to a student. List of the Persons Educated at Cheshunt. List of the Trustees to the Present day. Lady Anne Erskine succeeds Lady Huntingdon, Anecdote. Her Early Piety. last Illness and Death. Funeral Epitaph. CONCLUSION.
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