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William Walters, Life and Labours of Robert Moffatt

London: Walter Scott, Ltd., 1882. Hbk. pp.336.

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William Walters, Life and Labours of Robert Moffatt


  1. First Christian Missions to South Africa – Moravians – Dr. Vanderkemp
  2. Moffat's Immediate Predecessors–Condition of the Bushmen
  3. Moffat's Early Life – Call to Mission Work – Consecration
  4. The Missionary's Designation – Departure – Entrance on Work – Dutch Farmers
  5. Residence at Africaner's Kraal – Discomfort and Loneliness
  6. Travelling in the Interior – Lions – Thirst–Riding on Oxen
  7. Scenes in Namaqua Land – Cruelty to the Aged – Mode of Living
  8. Visit to Griqua Town – Crow and Tortoise – The Orange River – Poisoned Water
  9. History and Character of Africaner – Africaner and the Dutch Farmer – Africaner at Cape Town – His Death
  10. The Bechuana Mission – Moffat's Marriage – Bechuana Tribes and Customs
  11. Increased Dangers at Lithako – The Rain-maker – Moffat's Courage
  12. Invasion of the Manlatees – Kuruman Fountain – Visit to Cape Town
  13. Moffat's Visit to the Chief Makaba – Mrs. Moffat's Danger and Deliverance
  14. First Years at Kuruman – Locusts – Visit to the Barolongs – Formation of Native Church
  15. Kuruman under the Influence of the Gospel – Houses and Gardens – Sunday at Kuruman – Successes
  16. Moselekatse and the Matabele – Moffat's Visit to Moselekatse – Houses in Trees – Ruined Villages
  17. Varied Experiences – Visit to Cape Town – Mamonyatsi – Moshen – A Singing Class
  18. Translations and the Printing Press – Influence of the Bible
  19. Visit to England – Return to Africa – Encouragement
  20. Sechele, Chief of the Bakwena – Kolobeng – Liteyana
  21. Second and Third Visits to Moselekatse – Supplies for Livingstone – Liberation of Macheng
  22. Matabele and Makololo Mission – Missionaries Settle among the Matabele – Dreadful Disaster to Mr. and Mrs. Helmore and Family – Mr. Price's Calamity
  23. Changes at Kuruman – Bereavements – The Station Visited by Drought – John Moffat assists his Father – Moffat's Influence
  24. Retirement from the Mission Field – Port Elizabeth – Cape Town – Welcome Home
  25. Fruitful and Honourable Age – Enthusiastic Reception in Exeter Hall – Testimonial from Friends – Speeches – Magazine Papers
  26. Elements of Character – Philanthropy – Courage – Spirit of Adventure – Adaptation to Circumstances – Comprehensive View of his Work – Mechanical Ingenuity – Perseverance – Love for the People – Devotion to Christ
  27. Other African Missions: Wesleyan – Free Church of Scotland – Paris Society – Rhenish Society – Berlin Society – American Board – Society of Friends – Moravians – Universities' Mission – Baptist –Basle – United Methodist Free Church – Missions in Egypt and Central Africa
  28. General Survey of Missions throughout the World – Progress of Christianity: India, China, Japan, Burmah, Polynesia, Madagascar, New Hebrides, New Guinea, West Indies, Ottoman Empire, Indian Archipelago – Testimonies of Travellers – Faith in Missions

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