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John Sinclair Stevenson [1868-1930], Robert Henderson. The Story of a Missionary Greatheart in India

London: James Clarke & Co., Ltd., 1922. Hbk. pp.160.

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John Sinclair Stevenson [1868-1930], Robert Henderson. The Story of a Missionary Greatheart in India


  1. Early Years
  2. Home Ministry
  3. Missionary Apprenticeship
  4. Borsad
  5. At Work
  6. Every-day Incidents
  7. Growth of the Church
  8. The Great Famine
  9. Sunrise After Storm
  10. Back Again to Borsad
  11. A Master Builder
  12. Two Under-Shepherds
  13. After-Care
  14. Farm Colonies
  15. Lights and Shadows
  16. Good-bye to Borsad
  17. On Furlough
  18. Double Duty
  19. Surat
  20. The Valley of the Shadow
  21. The Road Home

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