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Robben Island. An Account of Thirty-Four Years' Gospel Work Amongst Lepers of South Africa
James Wescott Fish [1852-1937]

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Book Description

Robben Island. An Account of Thirty-Four Years' Gospel Work Amongst Lepers of South Africa
Publication Year:
John Ritchie
Christian Mission, The Leprosy Mission, South Africa, Medical Missions
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

James Wescott Fish [1852-1937], Robben Island. An Account of Thirty-Four Years' Gospel Work Amongst Lepers of South Africa


  • Introduction
  1. Foreword
  2. The Early History of Robben Island (by G.F. Gresley)
  3. The History of Leprosy
  4. Thirty-Four Years' Work Amongst the Lepers (by James W. Fish)
  5. A Never-to-be-Forgotten Day
  6. Gospel Tent Work in South Africa
  7. Our First Visit to Robben Island
  8. Eight Days with the Lepers
  9. The Love of Christ Constraineth
  10. Gospel Work among the Soldiers During the Boer War
  11. A Visit to Pondoland
  12. Back to Robben Island
  13. Trophies of Grace among the Lepers
  14. "Lonely Hearts to Cherish"
  15. A Terrible Scourge
  16. Visits to the Transvaal
  17. Visitors to the Island
  18. "Faith Healers" at Robben Island
  19. "One Soweth, Another Reapeth"
  20. Home Again to England
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