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Johanna Veenstra [1894-1933], Pioneering for Christ in the Sudan

London & Edinburgh: Marshall Brothers Ltd., [1926]. Hbk. pp.190.

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Johanna Veenstra [1894-1933], Pioneering for Christ in the Sudan


  1. Farewell
  2. The Call to Service
  3. Preparation for Service - I
  4. Preparation for Service - II
  5. "In Journeyings Often..."
  6. The Call of the Sudan
  7. Getting Acquainted
  8. Entering the Cannibal District
  9. The Power of Spirit Worship
  10. The Moral Life of the Dzompere
  11. "In Perils in the Wilderness - I"
  12. "In Perils in the Wilderness - II"
  13. The Task of a Pioneer Missionary
  14. The Dispensary Work of Lupwe
  15. The Boarding School at Lupwe
  16. Evangelistic Work
  17. First Fruits
  18. The First Convert From Among the Dzompere
  19. "Suffer the Little Children to Come"
  20. A Few Questions Answered
  21. Problems and Difficulties
  22. "Is it Nothing to You?"

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