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Peasants and Prophets (Baptist Pioneers in Russia and South Eastern Europe), 2nd edn
Charles Thomas Byford [1872-1948]

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Book Description

Peasants and Prophets (Baptist Pioneers in Russia and South Eastern Europe), 2nd edn.
Publication Year:
James Clarke / The Kingsgate Press
Christian Mission, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Moravia, Czech Republic, Baptist Missions
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Charles Thomas Byford [1872-1948], Peasants and Prophets (Baptist Pioneers in Russia and South Eastern Europe), 2nd edn


  • Foreword
  • Preface to Second Edition
  • Baptist Pioneers in Hungary
  • A Hungarian Apostle
  • The Land of John Hus
  • Moravia
  • Baptists in the Balkans
  • The Ancient Captial of Bulgaria: Tirnovo
  • Jacob Klundt, Exile and Prisoner
  • South of the Carpathians
  • The Romance of Baptist Work in Roumania
  • Baptist Struggles in Servia
  • The Baptist Hosts in Russia
  • Perils and Persecutions
  • Pavloff the Pioneer
  • An Early Pioneer
  • A Russian Baptist Leader
  • Vasilia Ivanovitch Ivanoff
  • Frodor the Cossack
  • Saints in Siberia
  • Podin and the Prisoners
  • The History of a Hero
  • The Triump of Faith
  • Religious Liberty (?) in Russia
  • "The Session of the Heretics"
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