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Patricia Hepworth, Missionary
Various Authors

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Book Description

Patricia Hepworth, Missionary
Publication Year:
Ewell, Surrey
Nepal Evangelistic Band
Nepal, Missionary Biography, Patricia Hepworth
Copyright Holder:
International Nepal Fellowship. Reproduced by permission
Various Authors, Patricia Hepworth, Missionary

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Patricia Hepworth
    • A Child
    • A Schoolgirl
    • A School Friend
    • A Girl Crusader
    • A G.C.U. Camp Officer
    • A Friend
    • A Nurse
    • A Midwife
    • A Missionary Trainee
    • A Missionary Candidate
    • Patricia's Testimony
    • A New Missionary
    • Field Treasurer
    • A Youth Worker
    • A Missionary Colleague
    • Good and Faithful Servant
  • Addresses given at the Memorial and Thanksgiving Service held at Holland Road Baptist Church, Hove, on 12th July, 1967
  • By Mr. C.A. Molyneux
  • By The Rev. E.G. Rudman
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