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Geraldine Taylor [1865-1949], Pastor Hsi: Confucian Scholar and Christian, 23rd edn, 1962. London: China Inland Mission, 1900. Hbk. pp.293.

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Book Description

Pastor Hsi: Confucian Scholar and Christian
Publication Year:
China Inland Mission
Christian Missions, China
Copyright Holder:
OMF International-UK

Geraldine Taylor [1865-1949], Pastor Hsi: Confucian Scholar and Christian


  • Editorial Note
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Extracts from the Introduction written for the first edition by D.E. Hoste
  1. The Home of His Childhood
  2. Wedding an Unknown Bride
  3. Winning a Reputation
  4. The Swift Descent
  5. Dark Days in Shansi
  6. Light at Last
  7. Fishers of Men
  8. Drawing in the Net
  9. The Living Christ
  10. Stronger than All the Powers of the Enemy
  11. Called to Life Service
  12. The Great Change
  13. "Conqueror of Demons"
  14. Early Success and Failure
  15. Growing in Grace
  16. Starving the Village Idols
  17. Under-Shepherds: A Problem
  18. Light on the Problem
  19. Finding His Life-Work
  20. A Visit to the Capital
  21. How the Work Spread
  22. How God Provided
  23. A Fresh Advance
  24. Reinforcements
  25. Not Against Flesh and Blood
  26. For the Work of the Ministry
  27. West of the River
  28. A Winter's Work at Hungtung
  29. Through Fire and Through Water
  30. A Wealthy Place
  31. The Burden and Heat of the Day
  32. The Refuges as Mission Stations
  33. The Middle Eden
  34. Ready to Depart
  35. Higher Service
  • Hymn by Pastor Hsi

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