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One Vision Only. A Biography of Isobel Kuhn
Carolyn Canfield

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Book Description

One Vision Only. A Biography of Isobel Kuhn
Publication Year:
China Inland Mission
Christian Mission, China, Thailand, Biography, Isobel Kuhn
Copyright Holder:
OMF International-UK

Reproduced by Permission

Carolyn Canfield, One Vision Only. A Biography of Isobel Kuhn


  • Prologue: High in Her Mountains

Part One: The Vision Sighted

  1. Daddy's Girl
  2. All in a Whirl
  3. A New Look
  4. Bound by a Love Chain
  5. Black and White Pen Sketch
  6. Outstanding Girl
  7. Across the Wide Ocean

Part Two: The Vision Pursued (autobiographical)

  1. Anticipation
  2. Getting Married is not a Private Affair After All
  3. Our First Home—What Comes First?
  4. How to Develop a Taste for Beancurd
  5. His Wonderful Cook—as Viewed by Her
  6. Speech Seasoned with Salt
  7. When We Became Parents
  8. The Unwanted Assignment
  9. Beginnings at Yungping
  10. The Forgotten Cloak
  11. A Hard Day
  12. A Glimpse of Storybook Land
  13. A Parting that did not Part
  14. The trhing with the Stuff in It
  15. Furlough without Baggage (1936)
  16. Home Town
  17. The Ticklish Vision

Part Three: The Vision Realised

  1. Pen of a Ready Writer
  2. Experiences, Full-orbed
  3. Pressing on
  4. Always a Missionary
  5. Over the Back Wall
  6. With Purpose of Heart
  7. The Ruling Thing
  8. Confident
  9. In Christ's Company
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