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North India. Handbooks of English Church Expansion
C.F. Andrews [1871-1940]

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Book Description

North India. Handbooks of English Church Expansion
Publication Year:
London & Oxford
A.R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd.
Missions, India
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

C.F. Andrews [1871-1940], North India. Handbooks of English Church Expansion


  • General Preface
  • Editor's Preface
  • Author's Preface
  1. Early Days in Bengal
  2. Calcutta and Its Bishops
  3. Chhota Nagpur and Mass Movements
  4. Father Goreh
  5. The Oxford Mission
  6. Allahabad, Cawmpore, and Dehli
  7. The Panjab and Islam
  8. Amritsar and the Sikhs
  9. The Frontier Missions
  10. The Indian Point of View
  11. The National Movement
  • Appendix A. Modern Krishna Worship
  • Appendix B. Literature Dealing with Mission Work in North India
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