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The New Acts of the Apostles or The Marvels of Modern Missions. A Series of Lectures Upon the Foundation of the "Duff Missionary Lectureship" Delivered in Scotland in February and March 1893. With a Chromo-Lithographic Map Showing the Prevailing Religions of the World, Their Comparative Areas and the Progress of Evangelisation
Arthur T. Pierson [1837-1911]

London: James Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 1901. Hbk. pp.451.

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Arthur T. Pierson [1837-1911], The New Acts of the Apostles or The Marvels of Modern Missions



Author's Preface

Part 1. The New Links of Mission History

  1. The New Chapters
  2. The New Pentecosts
  3. The New Times and Seasons
  4. The New Open Doors
  5. The New Era

Part 2. The New Apostolic Succession

  1. The Calling of the New Apostles
  2. The New Pioneers
  3. The New Apostolate of Woman
  4. The New Lessons

Part 3. The New Visions and Voices

  1. The Leading Voice - The Voice of the Master
  2. The Call to All Disciples
  3. The Vision of the Field
  4. The New Lesson of the Power
  5. The New Ministry of the Spirit

Part 4. The New Converts and Martyrs

  1. The Miracle of Conversion
  2. New Converts and Martyrs
  3. Transformed Communities
  4. The New Witnesses and Workers

Part 5. The New Miracles

  1. The New Miracles
  2. New Opportunities and Preparations
  3. Providential Preservations
  4. New Judgments of God
  5. General Administration
  6. Miracles of Grace
  7. Rapidity of Results
  8. Answers to Prayer

Part 6. The New Motives and Incentives

  1. The Look Forward
  2. The New Order of Things
  3. Medical Missions
  4. The New Activity of Woman
  5. New Lessons from Experience
  6. New Incentives to Giving
  7. The New Appeal of Man
  8. Harmony With God's Purpose
  9. The Blessed Hope
  10. The New Outlook

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