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Nepal and Gospel of God
Jonathan Lindell

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New Dehli: United Mission to Nepal, 1979. Hbk. pp.279.

[Reproduced by permission of the United Mission to Nepal]

Jonathan Lindell, Nepal and Gospel of God


  1. Men in Beards, Hoods and Robes
  2. Language, Books, Message
  3. People Who Seek, Find, Tell
  4. People Who Peach, Teach and Heal
  5. End of the Ranas, Revolution, New Nepal
  6. Bird Trips, The Dikshit Letter, A New Mission
  7. Riding the Tide into Nepal
  8. Into the Hilly Regions
  9. Development Is A Multi-Faceted Process
  10. Insode the United Mission
  11. Nepal and the Gospel of God
  • Bibliography of Source Materials
  • Appendix I - Member Bodies of The United Mission
  • Appendix II - The General Agreement
  • Appendix III - Profile of U M N Personnel
  • Appendix IV - Projects of the United Mission
  • Source Materials

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