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Missionary Travels in Central Africa
Frederick Stanley Arnot [1858-1914]

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Book Description

Missionary Travels in Central Africa
Publication Year:
John Ritchie
Christian Mission, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Autobiography
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Frederick Stanley Arnot [1858-1914], Missionary Travels in Central Africa


  • Author's Preface
  • Introduction

Part I

  1. From Natal to Kama's Country
  2. The Desert and Bushman
  3. Canoe Travelling on the Zambesi River. The Barotse
  4. Lealui. Liwanika and Barotse Customs
  5. Reminiscences of Dr. Livingstone. Dr Moffatt's Good Example. Senhor Silva Porto
  6. Westward Through the Country of the Baluchaze
  7. Diviners and their Ways
  8. Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Sanders. Benguella and Back to Bihe
  9. A Trying Beginning to a Long Journey
  10. Off at Last to the Unknown Interior. Backokwe Greed and Insolence
  11. Balovale Valley and Nana Kandundu alias Nyakatolo
  12. Lunda Country. Lualaba, and Msidi's Capital
  13. Msidi and the Bagarenganze
  14. Bihe Men Sent Back to the West Coast in Search of Helpers from Home. Hunting Adventures
  15. Native History, Geography and Trade
  16. Superstitions and Customs
  17. Slaves and Slavery. My Rescue-Home
  18. "Medical" Mission Work. Kazambe
  19. Letters at Last. Messrs. Swan and Faulkner. Home Once More

Part II

  1. The Trials of a Large Party of Missionaries
  2. Native Rising. Six Months' Anxiety
  3. More Help from Home. Nana Kandundu Occupied

Part III

  • Captain Stairs' Letter. Mr Cobbe and I Set out to Reach the Garenganze by the East Coast Route

Part IV

  1. I Visit Bihe Again
  2. The Chogwe, Lovale, Lunda, Garenganze and Vemba Countries

Part V

  1. I Join Dr. Fisher in One of His Medical Rounds
  2. My Wife Joins Me in a Visit to the Kabompo Valley
  • Appendix A: Mr Abbot's Last Journey in Africa
  • Appendix B
  • Index
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