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Missionary Romance in Morocco
James Haldane

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Book Description

Missionary Romance in Morocco
Publication Year:
Pickering & Inglis
Christian Mission, Morocco
Copyright Holder:
AWM Pioneers
James Haldane, Missionary Romance in Morocco


  • Foreword—D.M. McIntyre
  1. First Impressions after Landing
  2. Preliminary to the Gospel
  3. Allah
  4. Embarek the Philosopher
  5. Boys and Bible Stories
  6. Arab View of Europeans
  7. "Kiskass" Tyranny
  8. The Harem
  9. Moorish Proverbial Philosophy
  10. Among the Atlas Berbers
  11. Quaint Expressions
  12. Ferrying Between Two Faiths
  13. The Rosary is the Receipt
  14. The Man on the Minaret
  15. Arab View of This Life
  16. The Fatalism of the Arabs
  17. Lapses in Language
  18. A Moorish Street
  19. Tent Sins and Den Sins
  20. Prisoners and Pomegranates
  21. A Sluggish Village
  22. Letters Received
  23. Is it Worth While?
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