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Memorials of Missionary Labours in Western Africa, The West Indies, and at the Cape of Good Hope: With Historical and Descriptive Observations, Illustrative of Natural Scenery, the Progress of Civilization, and the General Results of the Missionary Enterprise, 3rd edn.
William Moister [1808-1891]

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Book Description

Memorials of Missionary Labours in Western Africa, The West Indies, and at the Cape of Good Hope: With Historical and Descriptive Observations, Illustrative of Natural Scenery, the Progress of Civilization, and the General Results of the Missionary Enterprise, 3rd edn.
Publication Year:
William Nichols
Christian Mission, Africa, Caribbean, South Africa
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Western Africa
    1. The Character of the Country
    2. The Native Population
    3. African Slavery and the Slave Trade
    4. European and American Settlements
    5. English Settlements and Missions
    6. Commencement of Persoanl Labours
    7. First Voyage up the Gambia
    8. Second Voyage up the Gambia
    9. Third Voyage up the Gambia
    10. Miscellaneous Incidents
  2. The West Indies
    1. Description of the Islands
    2. The Colony of Demerara
    3. The Island of Barbadoes
    4. The Island of St. Vincent
    5. The Island of Grenada
    6. The Island of Tobago
    7. The Island of Trinidad
    8. Supplementary Incidents
  3. The Cape of Good Hope
    1. Topographical Survey
    2. Native Tribes and Colonists
    3. Wesleyan Missions
    4. Entrance on Personal Mission
    5. First Journey to the Interior
    6. Second Journey to the Interior
    7. Third Journey to the Interior
    8. Concluding Incidents and Observations
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