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Missionary Knights of the Cross. Stories of the Indomitable Courage and Stirring Adventures of Missionaries with Uncivilised Man, Wild Beasts and the Forces of Nature in Many Parts of the World
John C. Lambert [1857-1917]

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Book Description

Missionary Knights of the Cross. Stories of the Indomitable Courage and Stirring Adventures of Missionaries with Uncivilised Man, Wild Beasts and the Forces of Nature in Many Parts of the World
Publication Year:
Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd.
Christian Mission, Biography
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
John C. Lambert [1857-1917], Missionary Knights of the Cross. Stories of the Indomitable  Courage and Stirring Adventures of Missionaries with Uncivilised Man, Wild Beasts and the Forces of Nature in Many Parts of the World


  • Prefatory Note
  • Introduction
  1. In the Steppes and Deserts of Mongolia [James Gilmour]
  2. In the Country of the Telugas [Jacob Camberlain]
  3. A Japanese Romance [Joseph Neesima]
  4. From Far Formosa [George Mackay]
  5. A Heroine of Tibet [Annie Royle Taylor]
  6. "The Saviour of Liao-Yang" [Dr Westwater]
  7. The Hero of Uganda [Alexander Mackay]
  8. The Lion-Hearted Bishop [James Hannington]
  9. Pioneers in Nyasaland
  10. Vortrekkers in Barotseland [François Coillard]
  11. A Pioneer Garenganze [Fred S. Arnot]
  12. A Tramp Through the Great Pygmy Forest [A.B. Lloyd]
  13. Among the Indians and Eskimo of Hudson Bay [John Horden]
  14. The "Praying-Master" of the Redskins [James Evans]
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