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Missionary Heroines of the Cross

E.C. Dawson, M.A.
London: Seeley, Service & Co., Ltd, 1930. Hbk. pp.218.

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 Missionary Heroines of the Cross by E.C. Dawson

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Table of Contents

Chapter I - Mrs. Duff
Her husband, Alexander Duff—Sail for India—Wrecked—A revelation of character—Landed on a small island—Rescued by a man-of war—A cyclone on the Hughli—Wrecked again—Reach Calcutta —Work in India—Birth of a son, and illness of Dr. Duff—The flood of 1833—She returns to England—A true companion to her husband—Death—Character

Chapter II - Mrs. Robert Clark
Robert Clark—Amongst the Afghans—His future wife—Married-Peshawar—The Zenanas—Shot at—Death of her daughter—A strange visitor—An Afghan Christian—Kaffirastan—Mrs. Clark invalided home—Returns to Peshawar—The Kashmiri—Opposition of the Maharajah—Mrs. Clark's courage—Medical work—More opposition—Driven from Srinagar—Successful work at Amritsar—Difficulties of converts—Mrs. Clark goes to Scotland—A seven years' separation—Return to Amritsar—The Alexandra Schools—Mrs. Clark invalided home—A ten years' separation—A meeting at Amritsar—Death of Mr. Clark—Character of Mrs. Clark

Chapter III - A.L.O.E.
Batala—Charlotte Tucker—Her works and charities—Her family "Auntie"—Reaches India—Work at Batala—At Amritsar—Illness—At work again—Bishop French—Her work at Batala—Dies at Amritsar

Chapter IV – Fanny Butler
The first lady doctor in India—Character and abilities—Studies medicine—Work in India—Kashmir—Medical work at Srinagar—The dispensary—Death

Chapter V – Mary Reed
Born in America—Sails for India—Zenana work at Cawnpore—At Gonda—Invalided home—First symptoms of leprosy—The asylum at Chandag—Work among the lepers—A question of water—Her vigour

Chapter VI – Irene Petrie
A society girl—Her family—Influence of Dr. Maclagan—Her mental gifts—Her generous character—Work among the poor—Arrives in Lahore—Learns Urdu

Chapter VII - Irene Petrie (continued)
Transferred to Kashmir—Srinagar—Evils of zenana life—Kashmiri boys—A boat club—A visit to Little Tibet—Typhoid fever—Death at Leh

Chapter VIII – Alice Marval
A Christian revenge—Women's hospital at Cawnpore—Father a Frenchman—Studies medicine—Reaches Cawnpore—Medical work—Attends plague-stricken natives—Pneumonic plague—Death

Chapter IX - Mrs. Hudson Taylor and Mrs. Polhill
China's millions—Hudson Taylor—Jennie Faulding sails for China—Hang-chau—Marries Hudson Taylor—They come to England—Accident to Mr. Taylor—She goes into the interior—Returns home Vevy—Incurable malady—Operation—Death—Eleanor Marston—Goes to China— Married—In Tibet—Attacked at Sungpan—Home—Darjeeling—Return to China—The Boxers—Return home —Death

Chapter X - The Martyrs of Hwa-Sang
Robert and Louisa Stewart—Attack at Fuh-Chow—Hessie Newcombe=Ku-cheng—Mary Ann Gordon—Flora Lucy Stewart—Incident in a tram-car—Elsie Marshall at Fuh-Kien—Harriet and Elizabeth Saunders—The Vegetarians—Massacre at Ku-chengBurial of victims—The Boxers—Mr. and Mrs. Green tortured—Many martyrs—Baptism of inquirers—Constancy of native Christians

Chapter XI - Mrs. Robert Stewart
Her many qualities—Mrs. Ahok—The Chinese women—Escape from Ku-cheng—The massacre at Hwa-Sang

Chapter XII - Some Chinese Martyrs
Shansi—Yii Hsien—The Boxers—Attack on the hospital—Martyrdom of Miss Coombs—Slaughter in the governor's courtyard—Fidelity of native Christians—A change of policy—Memorials

Chapter XIII - Mrs. McDougall
James Brooke—Sarawak—The Sea Dyaks—Constituted Rajah—Francis McDougall—Harriette Bunyon—Married—Her qualities—Their arrival in Sarawak—Mission buildings—Mrs. McDougall's successful work—Head-hunting—Death of her children—Run down by a brig—Ill with fever—Mr. McDougall consecrated Bishop—A dangerous voyage—Rajah and his would-be murderer—A Chinese invasion—Escape of the mission party—Retaliation on the Chinese —Cholera—A Malay "amok "—A sea-fight—Return to England—Her death

Chapter XIV - Mrs. Bowen Thompson
Her active nature—How she obtained a school-house—Marriage—Begins work at Antioch—Death of Dr. Thompson—The Lebanon massacres—The Druses—Massacre of Christians—At Beirat—The Syrian women—Schools—An answer to prayer—Canon Tristram—Daoud Pasha and the schools—Superstition—Return home—Death

Chapter XV - Fidelia Fiske
Early life — Arrival at Trebizond — Oroomiah — Ignorance of the women—Popularity of the schools—Deacon Gewergis—Return home—Illness and death

Chapter XVI - Mrs. Krapf
German missionaries—Dr. Krapf—Fraiilein Dietrich—Her marriage—Birth of a child in the Shoho Desert—Refused entrance to Tigre—Return to Aden—Mishaps by water—At Zanzibar—At Mombasa—Illness and death of Mrs. Krapf

Chapter XVII - Anna Hinderer
A plague - stricken coast — Benin—Witchcraft—Abeokuta—Bishop Crowther—David Hinderer and Anna Martin—Marriage—Ill with fever—They reach Abeokuta—Go to Ibadan—Chief's visit—Persecution of converts—Journey to Oyo—Invalided home—Ibadan again—War and famine—Mr. Hinderer makes his way to Lagos—Rescue of Mrs. Hinderer—Home—Return to Africa—Invalided home—Death

Chapter XVIII - Madame Coillard
Missionaries expelled from Basutoland by the Boers—The Coillards return after three years—Missions in the "seventies"—Mission to the Banyai—The Limpopo—Mme. Coillard's narrow escape—Lobengula—Khama — Crossing the Caledon—In Barotsiland—Lewanika—Illness and death of Mme. Coillard

The contents of this volume have been taken from Canon Dawson's larger volume, entitled "Heroines of Missionary Adventure"

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