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Sarah Geraldina Stock [1839-1898], Missionary Heroes of Africa

London: London Missionary Society, 1898. Hbk. pp.204.

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Sarah Geraldina Stock [1839-1898], Missionary Heroes of Africa



  1. A Talk about Heroes and Africa
  2. The First Heroes of South Africa
  3. Heroes of Sierra Leone
  4. The Hero of Bechuana Land
  5. Heroes of East Africa
  6. The Hero of Central Africa
  7. Heroes of the Shiré Highlands
  8. Heroes of the Niger
  9. Heroes of Zanzibar and Nyassa Land
  10. The Hero of Garenganze
  11. The Little Hero of Tanganyika
  12. Heroes of the Congo
  13. Heroes of Uganda (Part I.)
  14. Heroes of Uganda (Part II.)

A Closing Word

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