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Missionary Crusaders. Stories of the Dauntless Courage and Remarkable Adventures Which Missionaries Have Had Whilst Carrying Out Their Duties in Many Parts of the World
Claud Field [1863-1941]

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Book Description

Missionary Crusaders. Stories of the Dauntless Courage and Remarkable Adventures Which Missionaries Have Had Whilst Carrying Out Their Duties in Many Parts of the World
Publication Year:
Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd.
Christian Missions, Biography
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Claud Field [1863-1941], Missionary Crusaders


  • Preface
  1. John Eliot, the Apostle to the Red Indians
  2. The Captive of the Iroquois
  3. David Brainerd Among the Redskins
  4. Hans Egede in Greenland
  5. Sixty Years Among the Red indians
  6. William Duncan at Metlahkatlah
  7. In the Highlands of Tibet
  8. Among West Indian Slaves
  9. In the Forest of Dutch Guiana
  10. The Champion of the Hottentots
  11. Robert Moffat and the Bechuanas
  12. From Slave to Bishop
  13. The Martyrs of Madagascar
  14. Livingstone's Early Explorations
  15. Schwartz in South India
  16. At the Mercy of an Egyptian Pasha
  17. Dr. Judson in Burmah
  18. Dr. Wolff in Central Asia
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