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Interesting Anecdotes of Missionary Work
William Adamson [1830-1910]

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Book Description

Interesting Anecdotes of Missionary Work
Publication Year:
Glasgow / London
Thomas D. Morison / Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co.
Christian Mission
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
William Adamson [1830-1910], Interesting Anecdotes of Missionary Work


  • The Herrnhut Mission, How Originated
  • Robert Moffat and His Mother
  • A Saltearn Indian Reproaching His White Brothers
  • Baron de Hubner on the Fijians
  • Crossett, The Independent Missionary
  • A Cree Indian's Idea of God
  • Judson's Desire Regarding the Jews Fulfilled
  • Hindoos Praying by Proxy John Wesley and Missions
  • A Tannese Showing Christianity Was Not Cowardice
  • Adjai Crowther, A Slave Boy
  • Fliedner's Box on the Ear
  • Morrison's Preparation as a Missionary to China
  • Brainerd and the Conjuror
  • Origin of the London Missionary Society
  • Sabbath Keeping on a Pacific Island
  • How The Missionary Mantle Fell on Duff
  • Williams on Wayside Pickings
  • A Synod's Prayer For Missionaries. How Answered
  • Africaner, The Bonaparte of Africa
  • The Old Blind Man in Burmah
  • Superstition Overcome by Christianity on Norfolk Island
  • A Testimony to Bishop Patteson
  • Mamonyatsi's Love to Her Heathen Mother
  • Sons of the Word. A Surprise to Williams
  • Carey and the Baptist Missionarv Society
  • How a Sin-T's'ai Entered The Kingdom
  • A Delightful Surprise to Williams and Bourne
  • Paton's Wells of Salvation
  • Dr. LivIngstone and the Lion
  • Beginning of the Moravian Mission
  • How the Rev. Aaron Buzacott Became a Missonary
  • Rev J.J. Fuller In The Cameroons
  • Dying Scene of the Apostle of Western Africa
  • The First Native Clergyman in Fuh-kein
  • Henry Martyn's First Indian Service
  • The Religion of Mercy in Tahiti
  • The Heathen Africans Without Natural Affection
  • Torture In Abyssinia
  • Williams' Converts not Parrots
  • Conversion of Tschoop, the Indian
  • The Tahitians Who Had the Root
  • Hood and the Converted Caffre
  • A Fejee Mother's Instincts Developed Through Christianity
  • The Converted Negro and His Fiddle
  • Schmelen's Conversation With a Namaqua
  • Coopooswamey's Conversation on the Atonement
  • Duff's Bible and Psalter Cast Up By the Sea
  • Rafaralahy, a Malagasy Daniel
  • John Beck's First Greenland Voyage
  • Consulting the Inspired Priest In Fiji
  • Dr. Chamberlain Guided by an Inner Voice
  • John Hunt, Stupid Yet Successful
  • John Sunday as a New Creature
  • A Bechuana Rain-Maker
  • A Burial in Malanesia
  • A Heathen King Making an Experiment
  • Livingstone's Deliverance From the Lion
  • Conversion of Joseph Rabinowitz
  • Monobrotee, A Silent Devotee
  • George Gogerly and a Brahminee Bull
  • The Murder of Bishop Patteson
  • J. Hudson Taylor's First Voyage To China
  • A Levukan Chief and Buccaneer and His Wives
  • King Khama on Strong Drink
  • Christianity Introduced into Mangaia
  • Moffat and the Chiefs About the Bible
  • Mamae, A Mangaia Preacher
  • Maretu, A Polynesian Pastor
  • Jesus Or Mahomed?
  • The Last Victim of the Peace Drum
  • A Wesleyan on Primature Reporting
  • Restoration by the Tahitians
  • Paton's Determination to Be a Missionary
  • Military Ignorance of Indian Missions
  • The Gospel Axe in India
  • Krishnu, Carey's First Convert
  • Stanley Finding Livingstone
  • Judson Emerging.From Infidelity
  • The Conversion of Johnson
  • Williams Reminded of His Promise
  • Dr. Duff on the Cruelty of the South Sea Islanders
  • A Greenland Philosopher
  • Paper Gods, in China
  • A Devll.'s Temple Destroyed
  • Ordination of Rev. John Campbell
  • A Moslem Convert at Muritsur
  • Costly Prayers For Missionaries
  • The New Testament In Bengal
  • The Only Son of the Queen of Madagascar
  • Bishop Hannington Murdered
  • Chinese Reverence For Written Characters
  • A Brahmin Objector Silenced
  • Toro's Bravery
  • Memories of a South Sea Islander
  • A Tahitian Battle Overruled for Good
  • A Testimony Meeting in Ono
  • Robert Morrison and the Child
  • How Chinese Children Become Idolaters
  • Dr. Duff on Juggernaut
  • Prayers and Rain Overcoming Maoris' Wrath
  • Kah-le-wah-be-ko-kay Sick and Cured
  • Wonderful Conversion of Yohoi
  • Enmegahbowh, A Chippewa Christian Hero
  • Hunt's Decision to go to Fiji
  • Conferring Chippewa Names
  • Livingstone and Sebituane
  • Africaner, a Nurse to Moffat
  • Dahne's Non-Resistance Triumphant
  • Darwin and the Fuegians
  • Jacob Lewis' Conversion, Fall, Restoration
  • Dr. Morrison Saves an Innocent Chinaman
  • Tannese Thieves Frightened by a Man-Of-War
  • First Christian Burial in Aneiteum
  • A Heathen Samaritan
  • Searching and Finding
  • A Chinese Rag-Picker
  • Livingstone and the Chief Sechele
  • A Last Case of Strangling In Aneiteum
  • How Martyn Became a Missionary
  • The Scriptures in China in the 9th Century
  • Paton Defying Tannese Sorcery
  • South Sea Islander On Speaking Chips
  • Titus Coan
  • Villages Turned Christian in Tinnevelly
  • Xavier—China—and Death
  • A Savage Island Chief
  • Olubi, Idolater and Preacher
  • Emancipation of the Slaves in Jamaica
  • A Little Child Teaching an Indian
  • A Faithful Job in Rewa
  • Livingstone's Self-Sacrifing Heroism
  • Stanley Teaching Mtesa About Angels
  • A Farmer's Incredulity About Africaner
  • Mackay Burning the Devil in Nyni
  • A Huahine King a Nursing Father
  • John Hunt and Fijian Cannibalism
  • A Heathen and Christian Coronation
  • Coincidences in Prayer for Tahiti
  • First Girl's Boarding School
  • In Ceylon, Kapiolanl, A Hawaiian Female Chief
  • A Chief and his Charms
  • How an Indian Warrior Became an Abstainer
  • Moses Levi
  • How Hill Arrians of Tranvancore Got Their Teacher
  • A Christian Lady in a Chinese Palace
  • A Chinese Opium Eater Changed
  • Moravians in Berbice
  • Jesuits as Early Chinese Missionaries
  • Stanley's Farewell to Livingstone
  • Samoan Teachers Wonderfully Preserved
  • Paton Destroying Superstition
  • Richards Preaching the Law and Gospel
  • Bishop Crowther
  • Lewis Danchne Attacked by a Serpent
  • A Wonderful Answer to Prayer
  • The Garrows of Assam
  • Difficulties of Translating the Scriptures
  • John Sunday, The Indian Chief
  • Christian Kindness Overcoming Moslems' Enmity
  • The Abolition of Human Sacrifices in Old Calabar
  • A Heathen and Christian Meeting
  • Livingstone Liberating A Slave Gang
  • Varain, A Fijian Chief
  • A Heathen Madagascar Father
  • Martyr Bovs in Uganda
  • Richard Broadman's Deliverance
  • Religious Ignorance of the Esquimaux
  • William Burns Plundered
  • Williams on Infanticide
  • Stanley on the Bible
  • Wesleyan Missionaries in a Storm
  • Robert Young
  • Rev. James McMullen
  • Lamb Preaching Through Prison Bars
  • Pele, The Hagaiian's Goddess
  • Black Jews Invulnerable
  • A Heroic Act
  • Strange Heresy of John Beck
  • Christian Rudolph's Suffering and Deliverance
  • Waihit of Aneityum
  • Moffat's Courage
  • Christian Friedrich Schwartz
  • Earl Cairns on a Belfast Sweep
  • Schmitt, The Moravian
  • Dr. G.L. Mackay
  • Ba-Ba, The First Printed Book in Tahiti
  • The Williams Tragedy
  • Kapaio's Murderous Armi Made Powerless
  • Descent of a God In Madras
  • Stanley's Commission to Find Livingstone
  • The Moravians and the Red Indians
  • Patii, the Priest, Destroying his Idols
  • First Martyrs' Church In Madagascar
  • African Simplicity
  • Professor Drummond's Servant Moolu
  • Dr. Duff's Farewell to Bengal
  • How Fung Che-Pao, Found The Truth
  • Chinese Prejudice Overcome
  • Moffat's Deliverer
  • Dulaji Bhau Taught Without a Preacher
  • Vara, A Noted Chief
  • Punishment For Murder
  • Old Sandy's Subscription
  • Experience of the Moravians
  • Rasalama, The First Martyr In Madagascar
  • Wilhelmina, The Hottentot Heroine
  • The Tahitian's Desire
  • Christian Indian's Work aAnd Trust
  • The First Book in Tannese
  • A Soiled Tract
  • The Conversion of a Gambler
  • Mary Moffat
  • The Whale-Ship
  • Richard's Difficulty
  • Calvert Saving a Life
  • Mrs. Judson's Devotion
  • A Night's Singing
  • Deliyerance Through Prayer
  • The Conversion of the Hawaii Nation
  • A Boy's Testimony Blessed
  • How a Prison Door was Opened
  • Ramiketamanga
  • The Sacrificial Stone of Mexico
  • Dr. Chamberlain and the Story of Stories
  • Twin-Infants in Calabar
  • The Closing Scene of Moffat's Life
  • Ramjee Testing the Power of Shiva
  • Indian Caste and Ingratitude
  • Dr. Buchanan on Juggernaut
  • The First Christian Churches in Tahiti
  • Introduction of Potatoes to Rarotonga
  • Ma, The Sorcerer
  • Destruction of Idols
  • A Hindoo Atonement
  • Payment for Blood
  • Mr. Moody and Alexander Duff
  • A Chinese Convert
  • The Rarotongs' Notion of an Eclipse
  • Closing Scene of Livingstone's Life
  • The Power of Kindness
  • Persecution and Deliverance
  • Bishop Tucker on the Bible in Uganda
  • A Chinese Scholar and the Creation
  • Widow Williams Alone in the Wilderness
  • Lugalama the Proto-Martyr in Uganda
  • The Siamese King's Death Overruled for Good
  • A Brewery Turned into a Church
  • Bishop Berueux's Murder
  • Gert Link's Wonderfut Dying Experiences
  • A Sceptical Captain on Paul's Shipwreck
  • The Brahmin Pundit
  • A Remarkable Missionary Among the Bedouin Arabs
  • A Jamaica Negro and his Bible
  • Cannibalism in New Zealand
  • Saints of Siva
  • A Chinese Student on the Bible
  • Don Santiago on his Conversion
  • An Instructive Sunday Service in Samoa
  • Joel Bulu's Remarkable Experience
  • A New Zealander's Zeal
  • Samoans Eating Their Gods
  • A Deacon-King in Samoa
  • An Indian Schoolmaster
  • Moffat and the Dutch Boer
  • Alphonese Lacroix's Mission Service
  • Self-Torture by a Fakeer
  • Knill In Training for his Work
  • A Marvellous Deliverance
  • The Small Beginning
  • A Negro's Free-Will Offering
  • A Sirerian Leper
  • An Austral Group Chief
  • The Shigigiadisqu
  • A Japanese Christian Philanthropist
  • A Canton Youth
  • A Mohammedan Father and Son
  • Moshesh
  • Basle Missionary Society
  • Christ or Confucius
  • Pierre Sallah
  • The Zeal of Elliot
  • A Fortune-Teller Burning his Books
  • An Indian Queen and the Queen
  • The Missionary and Magicians
  • Martyn and the Mussulman
  • The Thug Nature Unchangeable
  • The Prayer-Book Worshipped
  • A Hindoo Slave
  • Khama, Negro Vvisdom in Giving
  • Kristno and Christ
  • King George at a Missionary Feast
  • Narapot Singh
  • Index
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