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Mary Yule, Mackay of Uganda, The Missionary Engineer. London: Hodder & Stoughton, [1923]. Hbk. pp.212.

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Book Description

Mackay of Uganda, The Missionary Engineer
Publication Year:
Hodder & Stoughton
Christian Mission, Biography, Missionaries, Alexander Murdock Mackay, Uganda
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Mary Yule, Mackay of Uganda. The Missionary Engineer


  • Note
  1. A Son of Aberdeenshire
    1. Childhood
    2. He Weighs Matters
    3. He Finds Life Good
  2. Early Manhood
    1. He Sets Himself a High Aim
    2. 'Bound in the Bundle of Life'
  3. Days of Enthusiasm and Discipline
    1. Setting Out
    2. Three Times Set Back
    3. Machay's Wagon-Track
    4. Hope, Perplexity, Despair
    5. Rebellion
    6. 'I Cannot Let Wilson Starve'
    7. Tramping On
  4. The Missionary Engineer
    1. He Meets and Conquers King Lkonge
    2. Crossing the Lake
    3. Meeting with King Mtesa
    4. Infant Teacher and Learned Man
    5. A Disturbing Element
    6. Echoes From the Mkundi River
    7. 'The Anti-Mukasa'
    8. His Friends in Adversity
    9. Darkness, and Signs of the Dawn
    10. Layman Bersus Clergyman
    11. A New and Strange Experience
    12. Days of Persecution
    13. Further Persecution: Many Converts
    14. Alone
    15. Serious Work and Happy Memories
    16. Plots and Counterplots
    17. A Haunting Figure
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