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A.M. Mackay. Pioneer Missionary of the Church Missionary Society in Uganda

London: Hodder & Stoughton, . Hbk. pp.488.

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Alexina Harrison (Nee Mackay), A.M. Mackay. Pioneer Missionary of the Church Missionary Society in Uganda


  1. Boyhood
  2. Life in Edinburgh and Berlin
  3. On the Road
  4. Arrives in Uganda
  5. Heathen Superstitions
  6. Cruelty of the Heathen
  7. Saabadu's Accoint of His Visit to England
  8. The Tide Ebbs and Flows
  9. Fiery Trials
  10. Companions in Toil and Tribulation
  11. Alone
  12. Remedies Suggested
  13. Driven Out
  14. Mission to Mohammedans
  15. Slave Trading and the Slave Trade
  16. How is Africa to be Evangelised?
  17. Mackay's Last Message

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