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Lomai of Lenakel. A Hero of the New Hebrides.
A Fresh Chapter in the Triumph of the Gospel

Frank H.L. Paton [1870-1938]

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1903. Hbk. pp.315.

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Frank H.L. Paton [1870-1938], Lomai of Lenakel. A Hero of the New Hebrides. A Fresh Chapter in the Triumph of the Gospel


  1. Landing Among Savages
  2. Feeling our Way
  3. Progress and Opposition
  4. Exploring and Preaching
  5. Recruiting Troubles
  6. Our First Christmas on Tanna
  7. To Aniwa and Back
  8. Clothed and in His Right Mind
  9. The Spirit Working
  10. Decision For Christ
  11. Among the Iounmene
  12. Battling With Heathenism
  13. Gaining Ground
  14. Sunshine and Shadow
  15. First-Fruits
  16. Back to Tanna
  17. Aniwa Once More
  18. Reinforcements
  19. Beginnings of a Native Ministry
  20. Numanian the Martyr
  21. Our Fourth Christmas (1899)
  22. The Raging of the Heathen
  23. The Fellowship of Suffering
  24. Lomai and Iavis Ordained as Elders
  25. Our Fifth Christmas
  26. Letters From the Natives
  27. Back to Tanna Once More
  28. The Horrors of War
  29. Memorable Scenes
  30. Farewell To Tanna

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