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Sir H.H. Johnston [1858-1927], Livingstone and the Exploration of Central Africa

London: George Philip & Son, Ltd., 1912. Hbk. pp.372.

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Sir H.H. Johnston [1858-1927], Livingstone and the Exploration of Central Africa


Publisher's Note

  1. Central Africa - Natural History
  2. Central Africa - Human History
  3. The Hour and the Man: Livingstone's Upbringing
  4. First Impressions of the Missionary Life
  5. Marries, Teaches, and is Troubled
  6. The Boers, "God's Chosen People"
  7. Mission-Work; Its Failures and Successes
  8. Missionary Becomes Explorer
  9. Betshuanaland
  10. Fever, Tsetse-Fly, and Horse-Sickness
  11. From the Zambesi to Angola
  12. From Loanda to Quilimane - Across Africa
  13. The Zambesi
  14. Livingstone Returns to England
  15. The Second Zambezi Expedition
  16. Last Visit to England
  17. Four Great Lakes and a Mighty River
  18. The Manyema and Their Land
  19. Stanley Relieves Livingstone
  20. The Death of Livingstone

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