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R.J. Hunt [1874-1938], The Livingstone of South America. The Life & Adventures of W. Barbrooke Grubb among the wild tribes of the Gran Chaco in Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, the Falkland Islands & Tierra del Fuego

London: Seeley, Service & Co., Ltd., [1932]. Hbk. pp.347.

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R.J. Hunt [1874-1938], The Livingstone of South America. The life & Adventures of W. Barbrooke Grubb among the wild tribes of the Gran Chaco in Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, the Falkland Islands & Tierra del Fuego


  • An Appreciation - H.T- Morrey-Jones
  • Foreword
  1. Early Years 1865-1886
  2. Appointed to Keppel Island 1886
  3. Trains Yahgan Boys at Keppel 1886-1889
  4. On the Banks of the River Paraguay 1890
  5. Experiences at Riacho Fernandez 1890
  6. Plunges into the Unknown Wilds 1890
  7. Settles Inland 1891
  8. Removes to Thlagnasinkinmith 1891
  9. Trials and Travels 1892-1893
  10. Perilous Days at Thlagwakhe 1893-1894
  11. Acquires a Permanent Landing-Place 1895
  12. Waikthlatingmangyalwa Founded 1895-96
  13. Takes His First Furlough 1896
  14. The March of Events in the Field 1896-1897
  15. Lengthening Cords and Strengthening Stakes 1897
  16. Poet's Treachery and Murderous Attack 1897
  17. Dread of Burial Alive 1897
  18. Recovery and Convalescence 1898-1899
  19. Trackling the Witch-Doctors 1900
  20. The Cattle Ranch at the Pass 1901
  21. The Christian Colony at Nakte-Tingma 1902-1904
  22. The Garden Settlement of Makthlawaiya 1905-1908
  23. An Expedition to Bolivia 1909-1910
  24. The Cane-Fields of Argentina 1911-1913
  25. Among the Sanapanas of Northern Paraguay 1914
  26. Among the Matacos of the Bermejo River 1914-1915
  27. Among the Suhin of the Monte Lindo 1915-1918
  28. Nearing the End of His Travels 1918-1923
  29. Last Links in a Noble Chain 1923-1930
  30. The Passing of the Pioneer 1928-1930
  • Index

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