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Life Out of Death or The Story of the Africa Inland Mission
Mabel Sophia Grimes [1867-1952]

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Book Description

Life Out of Death or The Story of the Africa Inland Mission
Publication Year:
Africa Inland Mission
Christian Mission, Africa, African Inland Mission
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Mabel Sophia Grimes [1867-1952], Life Out of Death or The Story of the Africa Inland Mission


  • Preface
  • Foreword
  • Section I. "The Valley of the Shadow of Death"
    1. A Wholly Yielded Life
    2. A Life Laid Down
    3. The Dark Days that Followed
  • Section II. "New Life"
    1. New Life Emerged
    2. The Life Growing
    3. Fruit of the New Life
    4. Harvest Prospects, or the Call to Advance
  • An Afterword (Compiled by a member of the British Council)
    1. The Work in the British Isles
    2. The British Missionaries of the Africa Inland Mission
  • MapIllustrating the Africa Inland Mission's Sphere of Work
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