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A Life for God in India.
Memorials of Mrs Jennie Fuller of Akola and Bombay

Helen S. Dyer

New York: Fleming H. Revell, [1903]. Hbk. pp.190.

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Helen S. Dyer, A LIfe for God in India. Memorials of Mrs Jennie Fuller of Akola and Bombay



  1. Links in a Chain of Blessing
  2. Called and Qualified For a Missionary Career
  3. Steps in Faith and Answers to Prayer
  4. Miss Frow Becomes Mrs Fuller
  5. Busy Years in Akola
  6. A Widening Sphere
  7. Extension and Language Difficulties
  8. The Burden of the Lord. More Prayer for Missions
  9. Travel and Bereavement
  10. The Time of India's Trouble
  11. Literary Work in America and India
  12. Through Dark Days to Everlasting Life


  1. Testimonies From Far and Near
  2. From Missionaries of the Christian Alliance
  3. In Memoriam
  4. Covenant Promises to Parents

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