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Lethaby of Moab. A Record of Missionary Adventure, Peril and Toil
Thomas Durley [1836-?]

London & Edinburgh: Marshall Brothers, Ltd., [1090]. Hbk. pp.339.

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Thomas Durley [1836-?], Lethaby of Moab. A Record of Missionary Adventure, Peril and Toil


  1. Beginnings. 1837-1871
  2. Westward. 1872-1873.
  3. Eastward and Back. 1874.
  4. Selwood. 1874-1883.
  5. A Second Time Eastward. Beirût. 1883.
  6. Beirût to Jerusalem. 1883.
  7. Jerusalem to Alexandria. Waiting 1884-5.
  8. Still Waiting. Attempt at Kerak. Entrance. 1885.
  9. Approachng the Goal Again. 1886.
  10. Moab and Kerak
  11. Entrance. Making Friends. 1886.
  12. Manifold Work. The New Message. 1887.
  13. The Anchor of Hope. 1888.
  14. Visitors and Helpers. 1889.
  15. Welcome Guests. Furlough. 1870.
  16. Saguine Hopes. New Colleagues. 1891.
  17. IN Camp. Changing the Base. 1892.
  18. The Persian Gulf. A Closed Door. 1893.
  19. Turkish Occupation. Good-bye to Kerak. 1894.
  20. An Den. 1894-1899.
  21. The Last Decade. 1899-1909.

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