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"Israel My Glory"; or, Israel's Mission and Missions to Israel, 5th edn
John Wilkinson [1824-1907]

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Book Description

"Israel My Glory"; or, Israel's Mission and Missions to Israel, 5th edn.
Publication Year:
Mildmay Mission to the Jews Book Store
Christian Mission, Missions to Jewish People
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
John Wilkinson [1824-1907], "Israel My Glory"; or, Israel's Mission and Missions to Israel, 5th edn


  • Preface to the New and Revised Edition
  • Preface to the Fifith Edition
  • Preface to the Fourth Edition
  • Preface to the Third Edition
  1. The National Election, and guaranteed preservation of Israel
  2. The Promises to the Fathers neither annulled nor transferred, but confirmed by Christ
  3. The Rejection of Israel: its Causes, Consequences, and Duration
  4. The Restoration of Israel, and the time of Jacob's trouble
  5. The Position and Mission of Israel m the Millennial age
  6. David's Throne occupied by David's Son and Lord
  7. The Ten Tribes-Where are they not ? and, Where are they?
  8. The Number and Distribution of the Jews; their political status and social influence; their religions condition as Jews; and their present attitude towards Christianity
  9. The place of the Jew in the present Dispensation
  10. The Mistakes of many Christians concerning Jewsstated and corrected
  11. Conversational Answers to Jewish difficulties
  12. Questions on Messianic Passages put by Christians to Jews
  13. The Lord's Leadings in Mission Work amongst the Jews, including definite answers to prayer m the supply of needed funds
  14. An Exposition of the Eleventh Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans
  15. Concluding Remarks and Suggestions
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