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The Interpretation of the Character of Christ to Non-Christian Races. An Apology for Christian Missions
Charles Henry Robinson [1861-1925]

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Book Description

The Interpretation of the Character of Christ to Non-Christian Races. An Apology for Christian Missions
Publication Year:
Longmans, Green and Co.
Christian Mission, World Religions Jesus Christ, Hinduism, Confucianism, Islam
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Charles Henry Robinson [1861-1925], The Interpretation of the Character of Christ to Non-Christian Races. An Apology for Christian Missions


  • Preface
  1. The Interpretation of the Character of Christ
  2. The Ideals of Hinduism
  3. The Ideals of Buddhism
  4. The Ideals of Confucianism
  5. The Ideals of Islam
  6. Are Christian Missions to Mohammedans Justifiable
  7. Seven Objections to Christian Missions
  8. "Heathen London"
  9. Christian Missions and the Interpretation of Natural Beauty
  • Appendices
    1. The Zodi Buddhists in Burma
    2. Prayers of the Chinese Emperor
  • Index
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