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The Homes of the Baptist Missionary Society
Charles Kirtland [1811-1885]

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Book Description

The Homes of the Baptist Missionary Society
Publication Year:
Alexander & Shepheard
Christian Mission, Baptist Missionary Society
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Charles Kirtland [1811-1885], The Homes of the Baptist Missionary Society

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Historical
    • Country Houses—Kettering—Birmingham—Bristol—Cambridge—Northampton —Oxford—Reading
    • The Jubilee—Two Ketterings
    • London Homes—Wood Street—Warddrobe Place—Fen Court—Moorgate Street—John Street—Castle Street
  2. Descriptive
    • Present Home—Site—Cost—General Description of Building and Rooms—Libraries of Mission and Baptist Union—Portraits—Relics—Curiosities
  3. Biographical
    • Treasurers
      • William Brodie Gurney
      • Joseph Gutterridge
    • Secretaries
      • Andrew Fuller
      • John Ryland
      • Clement Bailhache
    • Missionaries
      • The Noble Triumvirate: Carey, Marshman, and Ward, with the Story of Serampore
      • John Chamberlain
      • William Watkin Evans
      • John Lawrence
      • John Mack
      • William Hopkins Pearce
      • James Penney
      • William Yates
      • William Knibb
      • Thomas Burchell
      • James Mursell Phillippo
      • Joshua Tinson
      • John Clarke
      • Alfred Saker
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