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George Herbert Wilson [1870-1946], The History of the Universities Mission to Central Africa
George Herbert Wilson [1870-1946]

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Book Description

The History of the Universities Mission to Central Africa
Publication Year:
Universities Mission to Central Africa
Christian Mission, Universities Mission to Central Africa
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
George Herbert Wilson [1870-1946], The History of the Universities Mission to Central Africa


  • Preface
  • The Succession of Bishops
  • Important Dates
  • List of Illustrations
  1. Beginnings
  2. The Zambezi Valley
  3. Magomero
  4. Bishop Mackenzie's Death
  5. Morambala and Move to Zanzibar
  6. First Baptisms at Zanzibar
  7. Slave Market Bought
  8. Bishop Steere and Mbweni Settlement
  9. Settlement at Masasi
  10. Mkunazini and Kiungani
  11. Johnson's Mission to Mataka's
  12. The Masasi Raid
  13. Settlement on Lake Nyasa
  14. Bishop Smythies and the Mainland
  15. Lake Nyasa and the "Charles Janson"
  16. Work Growing at Magila
  17. Recovery and Progress at Masasi
  18. Zanzibar and Swahili Bible
  19. Germans Established in East Africa and the Consequences
  20. Nyasaland Bishopric and Smythies' Last Years
  21. Disasters in Nyasaland
  22. Bishop Richardson and the End of Slavery
  23. Lake Nyasa and the "Chauncy Maples"
  24. Cathedral Chapter at Christ Church and Maji-Maji Rising
  25. Likoma Cathedral and Progress in German Territory
  26. Bishop Weston and the C.S.P.
  27. The Northern Rhodesia Bishopric
  28. Bishop Fisher and Death of Arthur Douglas
  29. Zanzibar Diocese in War Time
  30. Nyasaland in War Time
  31. Northern Rhodesia in War Time
  32. Reoccupation of Magila
  33. Reoccupation of Masasi
  34. Post-War Nyasaland
  35. Northern Rhodesia After the War
  36. Bishop Birley and Zanzibar
  37. Masasi Bishopric
  38. Nyasaland's Losses
  39. Great Progress in Northern Rhodesia
  40. The Home Base
  41. Conclusion
  42. Index
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