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A Hero Man. The Life and Adventures of William Percival Johnson Archdeacon of Nyasa, 2nd edn.
Dora Yarnton Mills [1859-?]

London: Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1933. Hbk. pp.64.

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Dora Yarnton Mills [1859-?], A Hero Man. The Life and Adventures of William Percival Johnson Archdeacon of Nyasa, 2nd edn.



  1. Early Days
  2. Africa Calls
  3. The Adventure Begins
  4. Towards the Goal
  5. Life at Masasi
  6. The Vollage of Released Slaves
  7. Privations in an African Village
  8. A Set-Back
  9. The Lake at Last
  10. The Lonely Trail
  11. "In Journeyings Often"
  12. Stricken With Bindness
  13. The "Charles Janson" Launched
  14. "In Perils From the Heathen"
  15. Building Up The Church
  16. The Care of the Villages
  17. The Steamer "Chauncy Maples"
  18. How the African Lives
  19. The Hero Honoured
  20. The End of the Adventure

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