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William C. Irvine [1871-1946], Heresies Exposed. A Brief Critical Examination in the Light of the Holy Scriptures of some of the Prevailing Heresies and False Teachings of Today, 12th edn., 1942.

Calculta: Evangelical Literature Depot, 1917. Pbk. pp.226.

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William C. Irvine [1871-1946], Heresies Exposed. A Brief Critical Examination in the Light of the Holy Scriptures of some of the Prevailing Heresies and False Teachings of Today


  • Foreword by Brig.-Gen. F.D. Frost
  • Preface
  • Agnosticism
  • Annihiliation & Conditional Immortality
  • Atheism
  • Baptismal Regeneration
  • British-Israelism
  • Buchmanism
  • Christadelphianism
  • Christian Science
  • Conneyites
  • Evolution
  • Freemasonry
  • Humanism
  • Kenosis Theory
  • Modernism
  • Mormonism
  • Pseudo-Christianity
  • Roman Catholicism
  • Russellism, or Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Seventh-Day Adventism
  • Soul-Sleep
  • Spiritism
  • Swedenborgianism
  • Theosophy
  • Unitarianism
  • The Unity School of Christianity
  • Appendices

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