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Griffith John. Founder of the Hankow Mission to Central China
William Robson [1785-1863]

London: S.W. Partridge & Co., n.d.. Hbk. pp.176.

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William Robson, Griffith John. Founder of the Hankow Mission to Central China


  1. The Boy Preacher of Wales - Losing and Gaining a Father by the Same Grave - Covenanting to be a Missionary
  2. Shanghai - Buckling on His Armour
  3. The Taiping Rebellion
  4. Founding of the Hankow Mission
  5. Native Helpers - Mission Hospital Established - Specimen Converts
  6. Tour of 3,000 Miles Through the Provinces of Si-chuen amd Shen-si to Wuchang - Visit to England - Return, and Death of Mrs John
  7. Literary Work
  8. Second Marriage - Stoned by the Heathen - Endued with "Power From on High" - Continued Success - Death of Mrs John
  9. Interesting Chapel Openings - A Remarkable Proclamation - Happy Deaths
  10. Honours For Mr John - The Years 1888 to 1901 - Missionary ours in Hupeh - Planting the Gospel Standard in Hanan - A Retrospect

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