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A Great Emancipation. A Missionary Survey of Nyasaland Central Africa. World Dominion Survey Series
William John Waterman Roome [1865-1937]

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Book Description

A Great Emancipation. A Missionary Survey of Nyasaland Central Africa. World Dominion Survey Series
Publication Year:
World Dominion Press
Christian Mission, Nyasaland, Malawi
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
William John Waterman Roome [1865-1937], A Great Emancipation. A Missionary Survey of Nyasaland Central Africa. World Dominion Survey Series


  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  1. The Story of a Great Emancipation
  2. Nyasaland: The Land and its History
  3. The People of Nyasaland
  4. The Growth of the African Church in Nyasaland. By the Hon. and Rev. Alexander Hetherwick, D.D. [1860–1939]
  5. Missions Working in Nyasaland
  6. The Progress of Islam in Nyasaland
  7. Education
  8. The Bible in Nyasaland
  9. The Bible for a Million Africans. By the Rev. R. Kilgour [1867-1942]
  • Appendix
  • Insert—Map—A Missionary and Ethnographic Survey
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