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Frederick Stanley Arnot [1858-1914], Garenganze; or, Seven Years Pioneer Mission Work in Central Africa, 3rd Edn.

London: James E. Hawkins, [1889]. Hbk. pp.276.

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Frederick Stanley Arnot [1858-1914], Garenganze; or, Seven Years Pioneer Mission Work in Central Africa, 3rd edn.


Introduction by A.T. Pierson, of Philadelphia

  1. On the Way to the Zambesi
  2. Among the Barotze
  3. From the Zambesi to Benguella
  4. From Benguella to Garenganze
  5. Stay at Garenhanze
  6. The Garenganze Kingdom and People
  7. Return Journey


Mr Arnot's Fellow-laborers
M. Coillard's Labours in the Barotse Valley
Lake Bangweolo and Surrounding Country -
Dr. Livingstone's Description
M. Giraud's

Map of West Central Africa

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