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Timothy Richard [1845-1919], Forty-Five Years in China. London: T. Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1916. pp.384.

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Book Description

Forty-Five Years in China
Publication Year:
T. Fisher Unwin Ltd.
Christian Missions, China
Copyright Holder:
Public domain


  • Introduction
  1. Early Years in Wales
  2. Early Years in China. Studying Language and Civilisation
  3. Pioneering AMong Shantung Farmers. 1875-6
  4. Famine Relief in Shantung. 1876-7
  5. Famine Relief in Shansi. 1877-81
  6. Work Amongst Officials and Scholars. 1881-4
  7. First Furlough. 1885-6
  8. Years of Trial and Suspense. 1886-91
  9. S.D.K. Work in Shanghai. 1891-4
  10. Interviews During the Chino-Japanse War. 1894-5
  11. Presentation of Mission Memorial in Peking. 1895
  12. The Reform Movement in China. 1895-8
  13. A Jounrey to T'ien-'t'ai Mountain. 1895
  14. My Second Furlough. 1896-7
  15. The Boxer Movement. 1900
  16. The Shansi University. 1901-1910
  17. Changing China. 1901-4
  18. Religious Movements and Conferences. 1905-10.
  19. Higher Buddhism.
  20. Work of Later Years
  21. My Connection WIth the Peace Movement
  • Index

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