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Fifty Years in Madagascar
James Sibree [1836-1929]

London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1924. Hbk. pp.359.

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James Sibree [1836-1929], Fifty Years in Madagascar


  • Preface
  1. Mostly Autobiographical
  2. Church Building Amid Difficulties
  3. Malagasy Idolatry and Religious Belief
  4. Church and Social Life in the Re-established Madagascar Mission
  5. Life as a Country Missionary
  6. Thirty Years' Work as College Principal and Tutor
  7. A Missionary Exploratory Journey to the Sihanaka or Lake People
  8. Church Institutions and Observations Among the Malagasy
  9. Church System and Government; and Sects and Parties in the Malagasy Church
  10. Christian Life Among the Malagasyl Its Reality and Proofs
  11. The Bible and its Influence on Christianity in Madagascar
  12. Native Preachers, Preaching, and Sermons
  13. A Sunday in Antananarivo; and Some Strange Sundays in Madagascar
  14. Women in Madagascar; Her position ad Influence, Especially in Christiam Effort
  15. The French Conquest of Madagascar, and Its Effects Upon Missions and Christianity in the Island - Part I
  16. The French Conquest of Madagascar, etc. - Part II
  17. Protestant Missions in Madagascar Other Than That of the London Missionary Societyl L.M.S. Mission Staff; Industrial and Medical Mission Work
  18. My Experiences as a Missionary Deputation
  19. My Work in Madagascar in Books and Building; Centenary Celebrations; Hopes for the Future
  • Index

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