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The Conversion of the Pagan World. A Treatise Upon Catholic Foreign Missions. Translated and Adapted from the Italian of Rev. Paola Manna

Joseph F. McGlinchey

Boston, MA: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, [1921]. Hbk. pp.303.

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Joseph F. McGlinchey, The Conversion of the Pagan World. A Treatise Upon Catholic Foreign Missions. Translated and Adapted from the Italian of Rev. Paola Manna



Part One - The Mission Field

1, The Divine Mission
2. The Problem of the Slavation of Pagans
3. The Infidels and their Principal Religions
4. The Onrush of a Thousand Million toward Western Progress
5. The Rifts in the Rock of Paganism and the Attitude of Infidel Peoples toward the Missions
6 The Movement of Conversion and the Urgency of Favoring it
7. Our Competitors

Part Two - The Workers

8. Propaganda Fide and its Extensive Domain
9. The Forces for the Conquest
10. The Missionary
11. The Native Clergy and Other Auxilaries
12. The Missionary Sisters

Part Three - Christian Co-operation

13. The Co-operation of the Faithful - an Essential Factor in the Conversion of the Infidels
14. The Works of the Clergy - the Key to the Missionary Problem
15. The Co-operation of Religious, of Seminarists and of Women
16. Our Young People - the Hope of the Missions
17. Prayer - the Greatest Help of all
18. The Financing of the Missions and the Value of Material Means in the Conversion of Infidels

Part Four - Mission And Societies

19. The Priest's Missionary Union
20. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith
21. The Association of the Holy Childhood
22. Other Mission Aid Societies

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