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Classified Digest of the Records of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701-1892 (with much supplementary Information)

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Book Description

Classified Digest of the Records of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701-1892 (with much supplementary Information)
Publication Year:
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
Christian Mission, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
Copyright Holder:
Public domain


  1. Origin, Object and First Proceedings of the Society
  2. North America – The United States – Introduction
  3. South Carolina
  4. North Carolina
  5. Georgia
  6. Virginia
  7. Maryland
  8. Pennsylvania
  9. New England
  10. New Jersey
  11. New York
  12. Summary of Results
  13. British N. America – Introduction
  14. Newfoundland and Northern Labrador
  15. Bermuda
  16. Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, and Prince Edward Island
  17. New Brunswick
  18. Quebec and Ontario Provinces
  19. Quebec (continued)
  20. Ontario (continued)
  21. Manitoba and North-West Canada
  22. British Columbia, Summary
  23. West Indies, Central and South America – Introduction
  24. Windward Islands
  25. Tobago
  26. Trinidad
  27. Leeward Islands
  28. Bahamas
  29. Jamaica
  30. Moskito Shore
  31. British Honduras
  32. Panama
  33. British Guiana, Summary
  34. Africa – Introduction
  35. West Africa
  36. Cape Colony, Western and Eastern Division
  37. Cape Colony, Western (continued)
  38. Cape Colony, Eastern Division (continued)
  39. Cape Colony, Kaffraria
  40. Griqualand West
  41. St. Helena
  42. Tristran d’Acunha
  43. Basutoland
  44. Natal
  45. Zululand
  46. Swaziland
  47. Tongaland
  48. Delagoa Bay
  49. Orange Free State
  50. Transvaal
  51. Bechuanaland
  52. Matabeleland
  53. Mashonaland
  54. Gazaland
  55. Central Africa
  56. Mauritius
  57. Madagascar
  58. Northern Africa, Summary
  59. Australasia – Introduction
  60. New South Wales and Norfold Island
  61. Victoria
  62. Queensland
  63. South Australia
  64. Western Australia
  65. Tasmania
  66. New Zealand
  67. Melanesia
  68. Pitcairn Island
  69. Norfolk Island
  70. Fiji
  71. Hawaiian Islands
  72. New Guinea, Summary
  73. Asia – Introduction
  74. India – Introduction
  75. Bengal
  76. Madras
  77. Bombay
  78. N.-Western Provinces
  79. Central Provinces
  80. Assam
  81. Punjab
  82. Burma
  83. Cashmere
  84. Ajmere and Rajfutana
  85. Europeans in India
  86. Ceylon
  87. Bornea and the Straits
  88. China
  89. Corea
  90. Manchuria
  91. Japan
  92. Western Asia, Summary
  93. Europe
  94. APPENDIX: The American and the English Colonial and Missionary Episcopate, with portrait of Bishop C. Inglis and Notes on Church Organisation Abroad
  95. Education (with Illustrations of Colleges)
  96. Books and Translations
  97. Medical Missions
  98. Emigrants and Emigration
  99. Intercession for Missions
  100. The Society’s Funds
  101. Anniversary Sermons
  102. The Society’s Offices and Secretaries
  103. The Missionaries of the Society, 1702-1892; The Society’s Charter (1701); The Society’s Supplemental Chater (1882)
  • Index
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