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The Church in France 1848-1907
Charles Stanley Phillips [1883-1949]

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Book Description

The Church in France 1848-1907
Publication Year:
Christian Missions, France
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Charles Stanley Phillips [1883-1949], The Church in France 1848-1907


  • The Rise of Ultramontanism in France
  1. The Revolution of 1848 and the Rise of Louis Napoleon
  2. Church and State in the First Years of the Second Empire, 1851-1856
  3. Ultramontanes and Liberal Catholics, 1851-1857
  4. Napoleon III. and the Liberation of Italy, 1855-1857
  5. The Imperial Government, the Catholics and the Pope,1859-18643
  6. The Congress of Malines, the Syllabus and the Roman Question, 1863-1870
  7. The Vatican Council, 1869-1870
  8. The National Assembly and the Church, 1870-1876
  9. The Campaign against Clericalism, 1876-1884
  10. The Coming of "Ralliement," 1884-1894
  11. The "New Spirit" and the Dreyfus Affair, 1884-1899
  12. Yje Associations Law and the End of the Concordat, 1899-1905
  13. The Internal Life of the French Church under Leo XIII
  14. The Internal Life of the French Church under Leo XIII (continued)
  • Epilogue
  • Index
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