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The Christ of the Congo River with an Introduction by His Majesty the King of the Belgians
William Young Fullerton [1857-1932]

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Book Description

The Christ of the Congo River with an Introduction by His Majesty the King of the Belgians
Publication Year:
The Carey Press
Christian Mission, Baptist Missionary Society, Democratic Republic of Congo
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
William Young Fullerton [1857-1932], The Christ of the Congo River with an Introduction by His Majesty the King of the Belgians


  • The King's Introduction
  • Preface
  1. "Allah Yallim"
  2. The Discovery
  3. Exploration
  4. Drudgery
  5. Tragedy
  6. Bezaleel
  7. Afloat
  8. Aground
  9. Aloft
  10. Ashore
  11. San Salvador
  12. Kibokolo
  13. Wthen
  14. Kinshasa
  15. Bolobo
  16. Upoto
  17. Yalemba
  18. Yakusu
  19. Forward
  20. Afterward
  • A List of Congo Missionaries
  • A List of Publications
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