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Charles Andrew Gollmer: His Life and Missionary Labours in West Africa
[C.H.V. Gollmer]

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Book Description

Charles Andrew Gollmer: His Life and Missionary Labours in West Africa
Publication Year:
Hodder & Stoughton
Christian Mission, Nigeria, Biograpy, Charles Andrew Gollmer
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
[C.H.V. Gollmer], Charles Andrew Gollmer: His Life and Missionary Labours in West Africa


  • Preface
  1. Early Days and Call to Missionary Work
  2. Commencement of the Yoruba Mission
  3. Special Difficulties
  4. Brighter Days
  5. More Troubles
  6. Occupation of Lagos
  7. Progress
  8. In Perils Oft
  9. Funeral Obsequies of the King
  10. Firstfruits
  11. Stories at Sea and on Land
  12. Reinforcements
  13. Branching Out
  14. Abeokuta, A Centre for Work
  15. Missionary Journeys
  16. Heathen Opposition
  17. Further Progress
  18. Last Days in africa
  19. Conclusion
  • Appendix A: Paper on African Symbolic Messages, by C.A.G.
  • Appendix B: Memorial to the Arhcbishop of Canterbury on the Subject of Polygamy
  • Appendix C: Memorial to the Bishop on the Divisions of the Diocese
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