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Jonathan Goforth [1859-1936]
By My Spirit

London & Edinburgh: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, [1929]. Hbk. pp.189.

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Jonathan Goforth [1859-1936], By My Spirit


  • Preface
  1. Introductory
  2. A Season of Intensive Preparation
  3. The Beginning of fhe Movement in Manchuria
  4. Further Triumphs of the Spirit in Manchuria
  5. Repentance and Confession in Shansi
  6. An Outpouring of Divine Blessing Upon Chantehfu
  7. The Lord's Presence and Power in the Chantehfu Out-Stations
  8. Evil Spirits Defeated and Cast Out in Honan
  9. Hindrances Swept Away When the Spirit Worked in Chihli
  10. Further Evidences of the Spirit's Mighty Work in Chihli
  11. God's Dealings With Young People in Shantung
  12. How Revival Came to the Schools in Kiangsu
  13. Indispensable Factors in Revival

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