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Leslie T. Lyall, A Biography of John Sung. Flame for God in the Far East. London: China Inland Mission, 1954. Hbk. pp.204.

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Book Description

A Biography of John Sung. Flame for God in the Far East
Publication Year:
China Inland Mission
Missions, Biography, China, John Sung
Copyright Holder:

Reproduced by kind permission of OMF International-UK

 Leslie T. Lyall, A Biography of John Sung. Flame for God in the Far East


  • Foreword by John R.W. Stott
  • Preface
  • Preface to the 4th Edn.
  • Prologue
  1. Childhood, 1901-1909
  2. The Hinghwa Revival. 1909-1913
  3. The Little Pastor, 1913-1919
  4. Student Days in America, 1919-1923
  5. Inner Conflict, 1923-1926
  6. The Blinding Revelation, 1926-1927
  7. Into Arabia, 1927
  8. Beginning in Jerusalem, 1927-1930
  9. And in Samaria, 1930-1931
  10. A Night to be Remembered
  11. With Bethel in Manchuria, 1931
  12. With Bethel in South China, 1931-1932
  13. With Bethel in North China, 1932-1933
  14. Last Months with Bethel
  15. A Voice Crying, 1934-1935
  16. Not Without Honour
  17. The Lame Walk
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