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Biography of James Hudson Taylor
Frederick Howard Taylor [1862-1946] & Mrs Howard Taylor (aka. Mary Geraldine Guinness) [1865-1949]

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Book Description

Biography of James Hudson Taylor
Publication Year:
China Inland Mission
Christian Mission, China, Biography, James Hudson Taylor
Copyright Holder:
Public domain


  • Foreword
  1. Set Aprt unto the Lord
  2. The New Starting Point
  3. From Faith to Faith
  4. The Lord will Provide
  5. China at Last
  6. Building in Troublous Times
  7. First Evangelistic Journeys
  8. Emptied from Vessel to Vessel
  9. Who Shutteth and No Man Openeth
  10. Ebenezer and Jehovah Jireh
  11. Hidden Years
  12. The Mission that Had to Be
  13. My Presence shall God with Thee
  14. An Enlarge My Coast
  15. The Exchanged Life
  16. Jesus Does Satisfy
  17. Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision
  18. The Faithfulness of God
  19. He Goeth Before
  20. The Rising Tide
  21. Days of Blessing
  22. The Hundred
  23. With Wings as Eagles
  24. The Coming Thousand
  25. Can ye Drink of the Cup?
  26. Even So, Father
  27. His Way is Perfect
  • Index
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