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Norman James Davidson [1860-1936], Barbrooke Grubb Pathfinder. The Record of an Adventurous Life of Courage & Endurance Nobly Spent Amongst the Savage Peoples of South American Chaco Told For Boys & Girls

London: Seeley, Service & Co., Ltd., 1930. Hbk. pp.217.

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Norman James Davidson [1860-1936], Barbrooke Grubb Pathfinder. The Record of an Adventurous Life of Courage & Endurance Nobly Spent Amongst the Savage Peoples of South American Chaco Told For Boys & Girls


  1. Early Days
  2. The Falklands Islands
  3. Among the Yaghans
  4. Ordered to Paraguay
  5. Early Days in the Chaco
  6. Incidents and Adventures
  7. Wizards and Their Ways
  8. Critical Times
  9. Fights Against Cruel Customs
  10. A Murderous Attack
  11. In Danger of Burial Alive
  12. Poit's Defence and Fate
  13. Final Struggle of Witchcraft
  14. The Chiriguanos and Tobas of the Chaco
  15. The Founding of the Mataco Mission

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